Results 1 - 10 of 204 (Sorted by date)
German-Japan Energy Transition Comission, The Second Young Scientists Dialogue
This research aims to develop a framework to explore scenarios which are compatible with the global 1.5°C climate target. This entails explorations of socio-economic scenarios, as well as technological assumptions on energy systems, which can be supported by stakeholders at the same time satisfying an emission benchmark. First, we set up three...
The survey aimed to reveal the status of, and challenges and opportunities in, biodiversity efforts by individual companies in Japan, and collectively as the Japanese business sector, referring to key global frameworks such as the Kunming Montreal Biodiversity Framework (GBF) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Taskforce on...
Japan Singapore Partnership Programme for the 21st Century (JSPP21)
The presentation/training material was provided to Government Officials from selected Asia and the Pacific countries in a course on the green economy organized for the third time by the SCP (Singapore Cooperation Program) and JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency). It explains green finance-related concepts and contexts, focusing on Japan's...
サラワク木材業協会(STA)において、同協会メンバーの事業者、サラワク森林局(FDS)、サラワク林業公社(SFC)、 サラワク 木材産業開発公社(STIDC)等に対し、2023年5月に改正されたクリーンウッド法の改正内容やその趣旨、特に日本への木材・木材製品輸出国側が留意すべき点の解説を行った。
Meeting of the Japan-US Sustainable Transition Network
At the meeting of the Japan-US Sustainable Transitioin Network funded by the Center for Global Partnership, The Japan Foundation Grant Program: Japan-US Global Partnership, Hotta made a presentation on IGES research relevant to sustainable transition and sustainble lifestyles. The meeting was held at Mita Campus of Keo University and participated...
The consideration of the full life cycle impacts of plastics (and substitutes) is mandatory to achieve sustainable solutions to end plastic pollution. This requires considerations of fossil-based and biobased feedstocks for plastic production, plastic chemicals and additives, plastic degradation pathways and intermediates, environmental impacts...
Chungang University Seminar
As an invited presentation, this document gives a summary about regulation and management system for air pollution and control in China. Actions taken for air pollution control since 2013 are elaborated and the achievements in air quality improvement are summarised. Experiences, challenges and the way forward are also shared for discussing the...
Regional Workshop on Climate Vulnerability Monitor: Focus on East Asia
East Asia has unique regional demographic and socioeconomic characteristics that put the adaptation in the region with more public good benefits. The findings of the Climate Vulnerability Monitor 3 should be read from the perspective of the region's unique characteristics. The findings affect the region by bringing trends that the region has not...
気候変動ウェビナーシリーズ COP27直前ウェビナーシリーズ 第2回「COP27の焦点 変わりゆく資金フロー」
COP26で公約やイニシアティブが相次いで立ち上がるなど、近年大きく進展しつつある民間資金について、COP27に関連する動向に絞って解説したもの。主に、グラスゴー ネット・ゼロ金融連合(GFANZ)に関する動向を解説。