
Results 1 to 10 of 15 (Sorted by date)
Commissioned Report
令和5年は、インドがG20 議長国として、7 月に環境・気候大臣会合及び9 月にサミットが開催された。 本業務では、令和5年における「G20 環境・気候大臣会合、準備会合及び関連会合等に関する支援等を行った。特に、会合の成果が環境政策の推進に資するよう、議論に必要となる資料の収集・分析、成果文書案の分析、報告書の作成等を行い、また同会合や準備会合等に関する支援等を行った。
Policy Report
Brida Lea
Noriza Tibon
Diep Dinh
Behavioural insight interventions, alongside traditional policy measures, offer promising solutions to nudge consumers away from single-use plastic consumption. This comprehensive Guidance Note shares practical lessons on the application of behavioural insights in four ASEAN countries: Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam. The...
Policy Report
The ASEAN State of the Environment Report (SOER) is a regular flagship publication of the ASEAN Senior Officials on Environment (ASOEN) which is periodically published every 3-5 years. The SOERs present a comprehensive review of the state and trends of the environment, the pressures on it and the drivers of those pressures, and the national and...
Report Chapter
In Sixth ASEAN State of the Environment Report
▪ Environmental education (EE) and education for sustainable development (ESD) are needed to develop individuals’ and communities’ capacities through transformative education to build sustainable environments, economies, and societies through reconfiguring the relationship between people, the environment, the economy, and society. ▪ AMS face...
Meeting of the Japan-US Sustainable Transition Network
At the meeting of the Japan-US Sustainable Transitioin Network funded by the Center for Global Partnership, The Japan Foundation Grant Program: Japan-US Global Partnership, Hotta made a presentation on IGES research relevant to sustainable transition and sustainble lifestyles. The meeting was held at Mita Campus of Keo University and participated...
Commissioned Report
2023 年のG7サミットは、日本が議長国を務め、2023 年5月に広島で開催することが決定している。また、サミットの開催に合わせ、様々なG7関係閣僚会合が開催される予定であり、北海道札幌市において、環境省が経済産業省とともに、気候・エネルギー・環境大臣会合(開催予定日:2023 年4月15 日(土)~16 日(日))を開催する。本大臣会合に先立ち、令和5年1月から準備会合が開催された。 本業務では、これらG7会合(サミット及び大臣会合並びにその準備・関連会合)に関して、議論に必要となる資料の収集・分析、成果文書案の分析、報告書の作成等を行い、また同会合や準備会合等に関する技術支援等を行い、会合の成果が環境政策の推進に資するよう、業務を行った。
16th Asia Pacific Roundtable of Sustainable Consumption and Production
At the session 2 of 16th APRSCP, along with GIZ, SWITCh-Asia, and UNEP, IGES presented a key concept for APRSCP Strategy, IGES emphasized the changing emphasis of SCP over the last 30 years. Also, considering many ongoing international initiatives on SCP and circular economy, it is necessary to consider collaboration and synergies among many on...
Policy Report
The objective of this report is to provide an analysis of the current policy environment for garment production in Cambodia, applying a systems lens to identify challenges and opportunities for enhancing the sustainability of the sector. To maintain the competitiveness of Cambodia’s garment sector in the global market, a shift to sustainable...
Technical Report
The Guidelines for Resource efficiency and cleaner production in Vietnam's Pangasius processing sector were developed within the framework of technical assistance of SWITCH-Asia provided to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam, through the Programme of Sustainable Production and Consumption (SCP Facility), which is funded by the European...
Research Report
The objective of this Guideline is to provide a systems approach to sustainable consumption and production (SCP) in the seafood sector in Vietnam that considers all stages of the production chain. SCP is conceived as a crucial framework for achieving the social and economic benefits, and minimizing the environmental burden, of Vietnam’s seafood...
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