Results 31 - 40 of 362 (Sorted by date)
Conference Proceeding
This report summarizes the key discussion points of the two-day Asian Transparency Workshop on December 14-15, 2020. With the aim to promote knowledge-sharing among countries in Asia for the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF), the workshop particularly focused on a roadmap for preparation of...
Conference Proceeding
On Thursday 12 November 2020, United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) and Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) convened a session entitled “The Satoyama Initiative, transformative change, and societies in harmony with nature” at the 12th International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the...
Conference Proceeding
環境科学会2020年会講演要旨集 55,2020年9月19-20日. オンライン開催
気候変動や生物多様性とともに、資源効率性・循環経済が、国際的な環境課題として主流となりつつある。 SDGs 指標においても国内物質消費 (DMC) 、資源生産性 (GDP/DMC) 、リサイクル率・量(目標 12 )が挙げられているが、リサイクル率については、廃棄物の定義や算出方法の差異が課題として指摘されることが多い。本稿では、国際的に日本の値が比較的低いと議論されている都市廃棄物 (Municipal solid waste: MSW) のリサイクル率を取り上げ、欧州連合( EU )との比較を行った。加えて、循環経済政策の改善を進めているアジア各国のリサイクル率の事例も考慮に入れ、国際比較可能性についても検証を行った。
Conference Proceeding
環境科学会2020年会講演要旨集 53,2020年9月19-20日. オンライン開催
世界の食料の 3 分の 1 が廃棄されている。国連加盟国によって採択された SDG 12.3 では、食品ロス( food waste; 廃棄または再利用するために食物サプライチェーンから取り除かれた食物及び食物の食べられない部分)削減の目標として、「 2030 年までに小売・消費レベルにおける世界全体の一人当たりの食料の廃棄を半減させ、 収穫後損失などの生産・サプライチェーンにおける食品ロスを減少させる」 ことが定められた。先進国における食品ロスの発生は半分以上が消費段階にあることが確認され、消費者から発生する食品ロスに関する研究は増加している。一方、アジアの新興都市では急速な都市化、中間層の急増、食生活の欧米化、近代的小売普及などの要因は、食品ロスの発生に大きく影響を与えるが...
Conference Proceeding
Annual Meeting of the Architectural Institute of Japan
By reflecting on the case of Imabetsu, this paper explores alternative mechanisms to cope with shrinkage while striving for transitioning to more sustainable development pathways. It argues that rather than fighting against decline, the town should embrace its smaller size while looking within to find alternative ways to sustain the local community...
Conference Proceeding
Science-Policy Dialogue for South Asia and West Asia subregion on the IPBES Asia-Pacific Regional Assessment
Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN)
From 27-28 February 2019, in Kathmandu, Nepal, a subregional science-policy dialogue for South Asia and West Asia on the IPBES Asia-Pacific Regional Assessment was held in Park Village Hotel, Kathmandu, Nepal, as a part of the “Capacity Building Project for the Implementation of IPBES Asia-Pacific Regional Assessment” funded by the Japan...
Conference Proceeding
Science-Policy Dialogue in Oceania on the IPBES Asia-Pacific Regional Assessment
Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN)
The purpose of the Oceania Sub-regional dialogue was to facilitate understanding of the findings of the Assessment, including policy options to mitigate the deterioration of biodiversity and ecosystems in the region. The feedback from delegates relating to the effectiveness and uptake of the IPBES Assessment include: low visibility of the...
Conference Proceeding
Science-Policy Dialogue for South-East Asia and North-East Asia on the IPBES Asia-Pacific Regional Assessment
A subregional biodiversity science-policy dialogue workshop for South-East Asia and North-East Asia was held at the Anantara Riverside Bangkok Resort, Bangkok, Thailand from 21-23 October 2019. The workshop formed part of the “Capacity Building Project for the Implementation of IPBES Asia-Pacific Regional Assessment”, funded by the Japan...
Conference Proceeding
This proceedings is related to the awareness workshop on the opportunities of adoption of Japanese Low Carbon Technologies (LCTs) in the compressed air system in India on 25 January 2020 at Mumbai, India. The key objectives of the workshop were to: • Increase awareness about energy efficient air compressors and peripherals (hard technologies) along...