Results 1 to 10 of 147 (Sorted by date)
This article introduced about the new opportunities that have opened up for scaling up the mutually beneficial technology cooperation in environmental technologies (ETs) between Japan and India under the initiative ‘Japan India Technology Matchmaking Platform (JITMAP)' that is being implemented by IGES and The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)...
This report summarises the findings of the following OECD initiatives that are particularly useful in considering the integrated implementation of domestic measures in Japan: the latest developments in OECD work on the environmental aspects of responsible corporate behaviour; the latest IPAC developments and good practices in climate policy; and...
IGES and Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) conducted the Regional-CES Scoping Project to assess the potential of promoting the Regional-CES concept in Asia. The scoping project organised workshops to engage key national and local stakeholders in the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia in order to promote the Regional-CES concept...
The 15th International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific
Considering the current shortfalls in timely realization of the targets set as per the UN-2030 Agenda, there is a genuine need for new approaches to integrate diverse policies and actions, in order to realize a more liveable, just and ecologically sustainable future. Correspondingly, CES has recently emerged as an integrated approach for...
IGES and Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) conducted the Regional-CES Scoping Project to assess the potential of promoting the Regional-CES concept in Asia. The scoping project organised workshops to engage key national and local stakeholders in the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia. This is the commissioned report summarising...
2016年に締結したMoUに基づき、インドにおける日本の環境技術(低炭素・省エネ技術を含む)移転の推進、および兵庫県(日本)とグジャラート州(インド)の交流を強化するため、令和4年度(2022年度)は、以下の業務を実施した。 (1)JITMAP が 過去に実施した対象技術に関する FS 及び 昨年度に実施したエネルギー 診断士・管理者向けの 蒸気管理システムに関する研修(オンライン) 等に 係る フォローアップ活動 を通じた、 技術及びその効率的な運用手法に関する改善提案の採用によるエネルギー効率化、 CO2 削減、並びにコスト削減等の効果の確認。 (2)ハリヤナ州にある自動車・二輪車向けポリマー部品を製造する中小企業 2 社(日系企業が取引先)における、圧縮空気システムに関する FS...
日本・インド両国の環境協力を促進するため、以下の業務を実施した。 1) 日本インドにおける日本の環境技術の導入に向けたセミナーの開催 (1) 第1回インドにおける日本の環境技術の導入に向けたセミナー(脱炭素技術) (2)第 2 回インドにおける日本の環境技術の導入に向けたセミナー(大気汚染) 2)日本・インド環境ウィークの開催支援
This brochure was prepared to publicize the Japan-India Technology Matchmaking Platform (JITMAP), which was established in FY2016 by IGES-KRC in collaboration with The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) of India and is being operated in India, with the aim of increasing awareness and expanding the number of new Implementing Partners. JITMAP is a...
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