Results 1 to 10 of 80 (Sorted by date)
令和5年は、インドがG20 議長国として、7 月に環境・気候大臣会合及び9 月にサミットが開催された。 本業務では、令和5年における「G20 環境・気候大臣会合、準備会合及び関連会合等に関する支援等を行った。特に、会合の成果が環境政策の推進に資するよう、議論に必要となる資料の収集・分析、成果文書案の分析、報告書の作成等を行い、また同会合や準備会合等に関する支援等を行った。
生物多様性及び生態系サービスに関する政府間科学政策プラットフォーム(IPBES:Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services)は、生物多様性と生態系サービスに関する動向を科学的に評価し、科学と政策のつながりを強化する政府間のプラットフォームとして、2012年4月に設立された政府間組織で、事務局はドイツのボンに置かれています。本パンフレットはIPBESの機能、組織体制、作業計画や概念枠組、ならびに実施中及び計画中のアセスメントの概要等について説明しています。
This is the Japanese summary of a report of a side event convened by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, at the 25th meeting of CBD SBSTTA. An English version was also produced. The topic was invasive alien species. IGES support MoEJ in this and two other, related events. The events were offshoots of Japan's G7 presidency in 2023. Information...
This is the Japanese version of a report of an international webinar convened by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan. An English version was also produced. The topic was invasive alien species. IGES support MoEJ in this and two other, related events. The events were offshoots of Japan's G7 presidency in 2023. Information is confidential.
This is the English version of the summary of a report of an international workshop convened by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan. A Japanese version was also produced. The topic was invasive alien species. IGES support MoEJ in this and two other, related events. The events were offshoots of Japan's G7 presidency in 2023.
This is the English version of a report of an international webinar convened by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan. A Japanese version was also produced. The topic was invasive alien species. IGES support MoEJ in this and two other, related events. The events were offshoots of Japan's G7 presidency in 2023. Information is confidential.
This is the Japanese version of the summary of a report of an international workshop convened by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan. An English version was also produced. The topic was invasive alien species. IGES support MoEJ in this and two other, related events. The events were offshoots of Japan's G7 presidency in 2023.
This is the English summary of a report of a side event convened by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, at the 25th meeting of CBD SBSTTA. A Japanese version was also produced. The topic was invasive alien species. IGES support MoEJ in this and two other, related events. The events were offshoots of Japan's G7 presidency in 2023. Information...
This is the Japanese report of a side event convened by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, at the 25th meeting of CBD SBSTTA. An English version was also produced. The topic was invasive alien species. IGES support MoEJ in this and two other, related events. The events were offshoots of Japan's G7 presidency in 2023. Information is...
Results 1 to 6 of 6 (Sorted by date)
Updated: October 2024
CBD COP16 Special Webpage
The Convention on Biological Diversity The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is a multilateral environmental agreement on: (1) the conservation of biodiversity; (2) the sustainable use of the components of biodiversity; (3) the fair and...
Updated: September 2023
G20 (2023) Special webpage
In September, the G20 Summit will convene in New Delhi, India. The world is now facing the simultaneous crises of climate change and biodiversity loss, as well as tackling the consequences of Russia's invasion of Ukraine over one year ago. To deal wi
Updated: July 2023
G7 (2023) Special webpage
The G7 Ministers' Meeting on Climate, Energy, and Environment was recently held in Sapporo, Japan, ahead of the G7 Hiroshima Summit on May 19-21. In this special issue, we provide in-depth coverage of the latest updates and insights from th
Updated: December 2022
CBD COP15 Special Webpage
The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is a multilateral environmental agreement on: (1) the conservation of biodiversity; (2) the sustainable use of the components of biological diversity; and (3) the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits
Updated: October 2023
About Sustainability… The IGES Podcast
About Sustainability… is a podcast presented by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, featuring IGES staff and guests having in-depth discussions about sustainability-related topics.
Updated: July 2020
IGES Activity on "High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF 2020)"
This special webpage presents reports and publications related to the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF2020).