Report of the Science-Policy Dialogue in Oceania on the IPBES Asia-Pacific Regional Assessment

Event: Science-Policy Dialogue in Oceania on the IPBES Asia-Pacific Regional Assessment
Date: 4-5 April, 2019 in Canberra, Australia
Conference Proceeding
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The purpose of the Oceania Sub-regional dialogue was to facilitate understanding of the findings of the Assessment, including policy options to mitigate the deterioration of biodiversity and ecosystems in the region. The feedback from delegates relating to the effectiveness and uptake of the IPBES Assessment include: low visibility of the Assessment, particularly at the national level; lack of clarity and collaboration around the delivery of key messages; a top down approach in the creation of the IPBES Assessment, which has led to a lack of ownership; and the ability to effectively engage with communicators and stakeholders to enact policy recommendations. Furthermore, there appears to be a lack of understanding of IPBES goals and objectives by some governments. However, there was a clear consensus on the importance of future IPBES Assessments, particularly in providing policy direction to help ameliorate the worsening deterioration of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the region. The key recommendations from this dialogue will assist in this process moving forward.

Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN)