SDG2: Zero Hunger by 2030! Status, Issues and Solutions

SDG2 Zero Hunger by 2030

The SDG2 on Zero Hunger by 2030 aims at achieving the complete eradication of hunger in all its forms. The SDG2 in specific focuses on vulnerable populations such as women (pregnant and lactating), adolescent girls, children (especially those below 5 years old), and old persons. The goal includes 5 targets and 3 means of achieving the goal targets. In essence, the goal covers the following broad areas ensuring food security, encouraging diversity in nutrition, promoting sustainable agriculture, strengthening the capacity of small-scale farmers and enhancing the genetic diversity in the food. Hunger is caused mainly due to lack of food or lack of access to food due to various factors. While the lack of food was the major factor from the 1950s to the 1980s, most countries have been able to address the quantity problem associated with the food. Currently, the major factor behind hunger is due to the lack of access to food that is available in the market. In this presentation, an effort has been made to provide an overview of SDG2, its current status, issues and possible solutions. The presentation also tries to link SDG2 with other SDGs and provide a national context of some of the Asian countries and contrast it against other regions such as Africa.
