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Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the targets interact with each other in an indivisible way. On the one hand, achieving one goal or target may contribute to achieving other goals or targets. For example, enhanced food security (Goal 2) will reinforce poverty eradication (Goal 1). On the other hand, the pursuit of one target may conflict with the achievement of another. For example, an increase in agricultural production to help end hunger (Goal 2) can result in an increase in water use that may compete with water demand for achieving universal access to drinking water (Goal 6). The SDGs and targets form a complicated network of interlinkages. Analysing the interlinkages can help identify the synergies and trade-offs between relevant SDG targets and inform policy-making from a systemic perspective (see more on Methodology). The web tool, SDG Interlinkages Analysis & Visualisation (V3.0), enables users to visualise the interlinkages between SDG targets and explore indicator-level data for 27 countries from Asia and Africa. Users can make a selection of countries, Goals and Targets to visualise the interlinkages between selected targets and others, and explore time-series data for selected indicators. The web tool enables users to identify the synergies and trade-offs between relevant SDG targets. Provided for free, users can download the data in CSV format as well as the visualisation charts in image files.
- English