- English

Business and industry, or the corporate sector, have been practicing corporate citizenship towards achieving corporate environmental excellence. This paper shows how business and industry has incorporated the idea of corporate citizenship into corporate management, especially through the adoption of environmentally-sound practices and environmental education. The paper is organized into four parts. The first Part argues the corporate sector is an important component of environmental protection because the corporate sector is the principal instrument of economic growth, environmental technology and social change, with a reputation for innovation and entrepreneurship in resource mobilization. The second Part looks at the origin and development of corporate citizenship towards global environmental excellence, and recent trends in corporate citizenship. This Part provides some successful examples of good corporate management and environmental protection from selected countries of the Asia-Pacific region. These examples show how corporate responsibility has transcended the factory gate to include life-cycle assessments of products. The third Part gives examples of successful environmental education efforts undertaken by selected companies of the Asia-Pacific region. The fourth Part suggests a three-pronged strategy for promoting environmental education in the corporate sector which includes: ( promoting in-house capacity-building, (2) enhancing consumer education, and (3) developing collaborative works with other organizations. The paper concludes that environmental excellence is not a destination, but a continuum, and conservation comes only after we develop our understanding of, and appreciation for, the environment
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- English