Former Staff (from Apr 1998 - Mar 2004 )
19件中 1~10件目を表示中 (日付順)
This report is the output of the two-day Rikkyo International Symposium on Globalism and Education for Sustainable Development in the Asia-Pacific Region held from 31 July to 1 August 2003 at Rikkyo University, Japan. The symposium was jointly organised by the Asian Studies Frontier Project (ASEP), the Rikkyo East Asia Environmental Institute (R...
Wetlands are one of the most productive environments in the world. They are the “supermarket” of biological diversity. While wetlands have been dwindled world-wide due to overuse, pollution, conversion into residential use and dumping sites there are also concrete evidences of intensive campaigns under way to conserve and use them wisely. By this...
IRES Vol.4 No.2所収
Latipah Hendarti
Environmental education by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) is increasingly important in developing countries. This paper focuses on PPLH-Seloliman, an NGO environmental education centre in Indonesia, which shows us a good practice example of NGO environmental education. What is notable about this center is not only its contribution to the...
A two-day "Seminar on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Nepal" is the series of advocacy efforts initiated by IGES in cooperation with partners to raise the profile of ESD in the region. The main concern is not on sustainable development as such but on the role of education as a process to contribute meaningfully to achieve the goal of...
International Review for Environmental Strategies (IRES) Volume 3 Number 1(Summer 2002)所収
The primary purpose of this paper is to outline how the idea of environmental education has come into use, how it has developed over the last few decades, and what efforts are under way in the Asia-Pacific region in the educational field to reduce environmental deterioration and actually improve the condition of the environment. Internationally...
International Review for Environmental Strategies (IRES) Volume 2 Number 1 (Summer 2001)所収
Business and industry, or the corporate sector, have been practicing corporate citizenship towards achieving corporate environmental excellence. This paper shows how business and industry has incorporated the idea of corporate citizenship into corporate management, especially through the adoption of environmentally-sound practices and environmental...
International Review for Environmental Strategies (IRES) Volume 2 Number 1 (Summer 2001)所収
The international community is increasingly recognizing the importance of environmental education (EE) by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in achieving sustainable societies, as well as the importance of transboundary support for NGOs involved in EE. NGO EE networks can play an important role in the promotion of, and transboundary support for...
