- Bilingual English/Japanese
This proceedings is related to the “Dissemination of Japanese Low-Carbon Technology in Thailand – Consultation Workshop” for the Technology Assessment (TA) project funded by MoEJ in FY2017, which was held in Bangkok on December 1, 2017.
The workshop was jointly conducted by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies together with the Thai ESCO Association.
The specific aims of the workshop are to: 1) Present EE feasibility studies to showcase the potential of Japanese technologies in Thailand, 2) Facilitate matchmaking between technology supply and demand sides, and exchange views and experiences on the opportunities and challenges of disseminating Japanese low-carbon technologies in Thailand, 3) Exchange views and suggestions on the approaches that Japanese technology providers can take to be successful in the Thai market, and 4) Explore collaboration strategies with the Thai ESCO Association to facilitate Japanese low-carbon technology transfer in the long run.
The workshop was attended by 35 representatives from government agencies, private sector, professional associations and NGOs.
- Bilingual English/Japanese