UNFCCC Official side event

Bottom-up Approach of Regional Non-state Actors toward Updating NDCs in Post-GST

Friday, 01 Dec 2023 18:30 - 20:00 GST (UTC +4)

As the first GST is to be concluded at COP28, one important consideration is the involvement of Non-State Actors (NSAs) in the post-GST activities. The independent Global Stocktake (iGST) Regional Hubs in Southeast Asia and West Africa have been actively contributing to the first GST processes, including submission of inputs based on regional assessments and participation in technical discussion of inputs.

In this session, we aim to explore how NSAs and state actors can effectively collaborate and align their efforts during the post-stage of this first GST to have more ambitious climate action at the next round of nationally determined contributions (NDCs).

Join the event: here


Learn more:

Policy Recommendations for Engaging Regional Non-State Actors in the Follow-up Period of the First Global Stocktake: Insights from the Independent Global Stocktake Southeast Asia Hub: here

Our activities at the Independent Global Stocktake (iGST) Southeast Asia Hub: here
The independent Global Stocktake (iGST) Southeast Asia Hub (SEA Hub) aims to provide a platform to make NSAs’ voices and activities in Southeast Asia more visible in the GST process. This is a joint effort led by IGES and the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC) with support from the ClimateWorks Foundation. The ClimateWorks Foundation runs iGST,  a consortium of civil society actors working together to support the GST.

Global Stocktake at a glance: here



Friday, 01 Dec 2023 18:30 - 20:00 GST (UTC +4)

SE Room 8 (125 pax)

West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL)
University of Technology Malaysia (UTM)
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research of South Africa (CSIR South Africa)


Moderator: Chisa Umemiya Climate and Energy, Research Manager, IGES

Framing Presentation
  The Role of NSAs in the Post-GST. Policy Recommendations and Insights from iGST Southeast Asia Hub: 
Ms. Danica Marie Supnet, Manager for Climate Policy, ICSC 
Ms. Chisa Umemiya Climate and Energy, Research Manager, IGES
NSAs Collaboration Cases
  West Africa Hub (WASCAL & CSIR South Africa) 
NSAs and local government policy and action for carbon neutrality:
Professor Dr Ho Chin Siong, UTM
Q&AFrom the audience 
Interactive Panel Discussion - Feedback
  Government representatives: 
Mr. Isaac Kwabena Danso, Environmental Protection Agency of Ghana, Philippines (TBC)
Local government representative: 
Mr. Kamarulzaman Mat Salleh, Kuala Lumpur Mayor
Ms. Toshiko Chiba, Bureau of Environment, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Private sector: 
Mr. Fernando Castellanos, Head of Environment and Climate, UN Global Compact
Funding institution: 
Ms. Josefina Cobian, Program Manager, Global Intelligence, ClimateWorks Foundation
Interactive Panel Discussion - Way forward
  All the speakers 
 Closing remarkMr. Yasuo Takahashi, Executive Director, IGES