香川 治美

Former Staff (from Feb 2012 - Jun 2014 )
12件中 1~10件目を表示中 (日付順)
本業務では、東アジア地域におけるESC の更なる推進及び我が国の持続可能な都市づくりの経験の共有を目的として、以下の3点を検討した。 (1) 東アジア地域におけるESCの現状に関する調査 (2) 第5回環境的に持続可能な都市(ESC)ハイレベルセミナー開催 (3) EAS 環境大臣会合におけるESC 分野の今後の協力の在り方
本業務では、平成22 年5月に開催された第12 回TEMM(TEMM12)で合意した「環境協力に係る日中韓三カ国共同行動計画」に基づき、「グリーン成長及び低炭素社会に関する共同研究」及び「北東アジアの環境ガバナンスに係る共同研究」を行った。
Proceeding of the 37th Symposium on Human-Environment System
This paper describes establishment of the methodology to develop a set of the training module in order to learn real cases about community’s efforts on the environment front. In order to develop training materials, Kitakyushu City’s existing experiences and actions in overcoming pollution, improving the environment, Low-carbon city planning and...
In order to develop training modules, Kitakyushu City’s existing experiences and actions in overcoming pollution, improving the environment, Low-carbon city planning and international cooperation were documented in cooperation with relevant departments, universities, NGOs, private companies in Kitakyushu City. These various materials were then...
KUC is assisting selected cities, including Surabaya City (Indonesia), Ho Chi Minh City (Viet Nam), Nonthaburi City and Phitsanulok City (Thailand), in evaluating their environmental projects and policies in terms of GHG emissions reduction. KUC undertook a three-week training course on low-carbon city planning and MRV capacity building from JICA...
The study aims to identify low carbon policies and activities made at local government level, specially focus on whether local governments have mandates, requests or incentives to develop and carry out low carbon policies. The further aims are identifying how to promote low carbon policies or actions at a local level and finally raising the...
