Results 1 - 10 of 15 (Sorted by date)
Book Chapter
In Health Care Waste Management and COVID 19 Pandemic: Policy, Implementation Status and Vaccine Management
The sound management of healthcare waste (HCW) has been receiving increasing global attention, now even more so given the urgency of the COVID-19 pandemic. Uncontrolled fluctuations in generation quantities, the composition of HCW as well as the significant impacts it poses on public health and the environment require a more dynamic and cohesive...
Peer-reviewed Article
In APN Science Bulletin
CONSERVATION, RESTORATION AND management of forest resources are critical for addressing climate change. Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are a vehicle for targeted climate actions, including those related to forest management, by countries towards contributing global efforts agreed under the Paris Agreement. Operationalizing climate...
Book Chapter
In Sustainable Waste Management Challenges in Developing Countries
Myanmar, the largest country in mainland Southeast Asia, has been facing considerable challenges with the management of solid waste in the recent past because of increasing income and consumption patterns, urban growth, and lack of effective waste management policies, treatment, and disposal methods. Waste management is also a crosscutting issue...
Submission to Policy Process
Hla Maung Thien
Min Maw,
Ni Ni Thin
Hein Latt
Ohnmar May Tin Hlaing
Myanmar has had to face tremendous challenges in waste management in the recent past, due to a number of factors – its growing population and economy, increasing complexity of waste streams, and lack of effective waste management systems, proper infrastructure, capital investment, financial and human resources, as well as effective policy and...
This work was presented as one of the keynote presentations at Da Nang city's development forum in December 2019. The author has develop an analysis of sustainable transformation scenario analysis applying SSPs framework for Da Nang city. Also Yokohama city's and Japanese experiences of sustainable development strategies were presented. The key...
First Sub-Regional workshop on Preparation of status Report and Sub-regional Roadmap for Implementing the Global Waste Management Goals toward Addressing SDGs in South Asia
Home to roughly 1.8 billion people, South Asia generates approximately 334 million tonnes of waste per year of which 174 million tonnes (57%) is organic in content. In addition to the increase in municipal solid waste, managing complex and emerging waste streams, including e-waste, food waste, construction and demolition waste, disaster waste...
Scientific Conference on Policy, Engineering, Arts, Culture, and Education (SCOPEACE) 2018
A vast range of multidisciplinary studies has been delivering extensive efforts to define and formulate development frameworks for the implementation of appropriate technologies especially within the urbansetting of developing cities. These studies are mostly related to the term “Appropriate Technology (AT)” introduced by Schumacher which refers to...
Commissioned Report
Maung Maung
Ei Ei
Commissioned Report
This is a final report on the project for promoting Asian regional collaboration on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), under a lump-sum contract with Ministry of the Environment, Japan in FY 2017. The project consists of three components: i) Study on policy and implementation of country EIA system in seven Asian countries, namely, Cambodia...
Commissioned Report
途上国の森林減少・劣化に由来する温室効果ガス排出の削減等(以下「REDD+」という。)は重要な気候変動対策であり、気候変動に関する国際連合枠組条約の第21回締約国会議(COP21)で合意された「パリ協定」にもその実施と支援を奨励することが明記されたところである。 REDD+の推進には、途上国に対する資金と技術の提供が必要とされているが、公的資金には限界があることから、今後、REDD+の取組みを拡大していくには、民間セクターからの資金や技術の提供が鍵となる。しかしながら、民間セクターがREDD+に対して投資するには、排出削減クレジットが獲得できる等のインセンティブが必要(①)とされる。また、途上国がREDD+を実施するには、COP決定を踏まえつつ、各々の国情に応じた排出削減量の算定...