
Former Staff (from Jan 2006 - Jun 2019 )
Results 1 to 10 of 85 (Sorted by date)
Commissioned Report
TPP協定「環境章」において、各国による違法伐採の抑止に働く行政措置の強化が規定されるとともに、日EU・EPAの「貿易と持続可能な開発章」においても、各国が違法伐採及び関連する貿易への対処に貢献することが規定されている。これらに対応するために、我が国の違法伐採木材への対策として平成29年5月に施行された「合法伐採木材等の流通及び利用の促進に関する法律」(通称「クリーンウッド法」。以下「クリーンウッド法」という。)を着実に運用していく必要がある。 本事業は、林野庁ホームページ「クリーンウッド・ナビ」に掲載されている生産国リスク情報を、木材関連事業者等の利用者がより活用しやすくするための検討及び情報の整理を行うことを目的とした。具体的には、①リスク情報に基づく基本的な合法性確認(デュー...
Commissioned Report
平成29年5月に「合法伐採木材等の流通及び利用の促進に関する法律」(通称「クリーンウッド法」)が施行され、同年11月からは、同法に基づく木材関連事業者の登録が始まった。このような中、木材関連事業者が同法に基づく合法性の確認等を効率的に行うことができるよう、国は同法第4条に基づき、同年5月から情報提供サイト「クリーンウッド・ナビ」を公開し、国別・地域別の違法伐採関連情報の提供を行っている。本事業は、「クリーンウッド・ナビ」の掲載情報の更新・拡充を行うとともに、掲載情報に関する事業者等からの問合せに対応することを目的とした。具体的には、①生産国における情報調査(カナダ ブリティッシュ・コロンビア州とオーストリア)、②「クリーンウッド・ナビ」の更新情報に関するコンテンツ作成、③「クリーンウッド...
Peer-reviewed Article
In APN Science Bulletin
CONSERVATION, RESTORATION AND management of forest resources are critical for addressing climate change. Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are a vehicle for targeted climate actions, including those related to forest management, by countries towards contributing global efforts agreed under the Paris Agreement. Operationalizing climate...
Book Chapter
In Managing Socio-ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes for Sustainable Communities in Asia
This chapter contributes to improve an understanding of the effectiveness of different biodiversity science-policy interfaces (SPIs), which play a vital role in navigating policies and actions with sound evidence base. The single comprehensive study that was found to exist, assessed SPIs in terms of their ‘features’—goals, structure, process...
Technical Report
The International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (IPSI) is a global network to promote collective efforts for sustainability in socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes (SEPLS), and thereby to contribute to the realisation of “living in harmony with nature”. The Satoyama Development Mechanism (SDM) is a seed funding programme...
Issue Brief
Socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes (SEPLS) can contribute to global goals for biodiversity conservation and dealing with climate change, while also contributing locally to human security and wellbeing. SEPLS are, however, under threat around the world. SEPLS have been promoted under the Satoyama Initiative by the International...
The Asia-Pacific region faces a fundamental dilemma. Over recent decades the region has achieved tremendous economic growth that has lifted millions of its people out of poverty and raised living standards, but in many places the way land is being used to generate this growth is unsustainable. Land has been exploited – growing economies regardless...
PR, Newsletter or Other
The Satoyama Development Mechanism (SDM) was established in 2013 to promote activities in line with the Strategy and Plan of Action of the International Partnership for Satoyama Initiative (IPSI) through the provision of seed funding to promising projects proposed by IPSI members. Six projects have been selected every year, bringing the total...
Issue Brief
The GEF-Satoyama Project has been working to realize society in harmony with nature by mainstreaming conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in production landscapes and seascapes. This issue brief is a compilation of lessons learned on biodiversity in production landscapes and seascapes from ten demonstration projects from around the...
Policy Report
The Satoyama Development Mechanism (SDM) is a seed funding mechanism to encourage IPSI members to develop and accelerate sustainability actions in SEPLS. This report aims to present the SDM projects and their contributions to global goals, for the consideration of policymakers, businesses, researcher institutions, organizations and civil society...
No Projects Found.