
Results 1 to 10 of 10 (Sorted by date)
Commissioned Report
生物多様性に関する国際標準化の動向をふまえ、我が国の知見をTC331で議論される国際標準規格へ適切に反映し、生物多様性に関する我が国産業の国際競争力強化につなげることを目的として、以下の業務を遂行した。 ・ISO/TC331国内審議委員会の活動支援 ・ISO/TC331国際総会及び関連ワーキンググループ会合での議論の活動支援 ・ワーキンググループ対応分科会活動支援
Commissioned Report
This is the final report of the Asia Parks Congress Preparation Support project, commissioned by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan in FY2021. Based on the success of the first Asia Parks Congress held in Sendai in 2013, the second Asia Parks Congress (APC2) will be held in Kota Kinabalu in Malaysia on May 24 th to 29 th 2022. The project...
Commissioned Report
This is a final report on the project for promoting Asian regional collaboration on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), under a lump-sum contract with Ministry of the Environment, Japan in FY 2020. The project consists of four components: i) study on policy and implementation of country EIA system in China; ii) operation of the information...
Commissioned Report
This is a final report on the project for promoting Asian regional collaboration on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), under a lump-sum contract with Ministry of the Environment, Japan in FY 2018. The project consists of three components: i) Study on policy and implementation of country EIA system in two Asian countries, namely India and...
Commissioned Report
This is a final report on the project for promoting Asian regional collaboration on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), under a lump-sum contract with Ministry of the Environment, Japan in FY 2018. The project consists of three components: i) Study on policy and implementation of country EIA system in two Asian countries, namely, Malaysia and...
Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment Conservation (MONREC), Myanmar introduced EIA procedure (EIAP) in December 2015. The Ministry of Environment Japan (MOEJ) was considering to support Myanmar which stands at the initial stage of effective implementation of EIA. As a starting point, MOEJ, Institute of Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)...
Commissioned Report
This is a final report on the project for promoting Asian regional collaboration on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), under a lump-sum contract with Ministry of the Environment, Japan in FY 2017. The project consists of three components: i) Study on policy and implementation of country EIA system in seven Asian countries, namely, Cambodia...
Commissioned Report
Kong Jang
Ji Young
Young Soo
Commissioned Report
Maung Maung
Ei Ei
Commissioned Report
The Project for Strengthening Institutional and Policy Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) Integration (termed as CN20 Project), which complies with the Concept Note (CN) 20 of the 21 Flagship and Priority Projects of the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER) Work Programme...
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