local climate action

4件中 1~4件 (日付順)
「川崎 脱炭素戦略の行方(下)住民の意識改革カギ:太陽光義務化や地域電力 モデル地区選び推進」 川崎市が環境都市に生まれ変わるには京浜工業地帯の脱炭素化だけでなく、住民の意識改革が欠かせない。市は太陽光パネルの設置義務化やモデル地区をつくることで、住民の行動変容を促そうとしている。 来年度施行へ 川崎市は7月末、環境審議会の脱炭素部会を開き、市内で新築する住宅への太陽光発電設備の設置義務化に向けた素案を示した。設置義務化の方針を表明している東京都の制度案を参考に、規模が大きい建物だけでなく、... (日本経済新聞の記事のページ:https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGKKZO64414520W2A910C2L72000/)...
COP26 Side Event: International Forum on City-Wide Climate Crisis Response and Technology Sharing
Session Title: International Forum on City-Wide Climate Crisis Response and Technology Sharing Session Description Climate change has risen to the top of the international policy agenda and the phenomenon of global climate change has heightened the importance of science and technological innovation to achieve sustainable development goals. It will...
Panel Discussions: Energy transition Towards a Sustainable Future in Asia, System Analysis in Asia
Friday 22 October 2021 (Day Three) 14:00 – 15:15 CST / 08:00 – 09:15 CEST Panel Discussions: Energy transition Towards a Sustainable Future in Asia Drawing on their expertise, panelists will present their work and address the following questions: What are the main decarbonization strategies to mitigate climate change in Asia? How can Asia achieve...
7th International Conference on Low Carbon Asia and Beyond (ICLCA’21)
The 7th International Conference on Low Carbon Asia and Beyond (ICLCA’21) DAY 1 : 18 OCTOBER 2021 (MONDAY) Opening Ceremony ▪ Welcome speech by Prof Ho Chin Siong, Chair of ICLCA 2021 ▪ Opening speech by Prof Datuk Ts Dr Ahmad Fauzi Ismail, Vice- Chancellor of UTM ▪ Opening Video Plenary 1 ‘Cities and Circularity: Towards Global Carbon Neutrality...