- English
Chapter: 20
Developing Asia’s growing demand for fossil fuels not only adds pressure on the domestic economy of each country due to higher energy bills but also strangulates the region’s environmental health with the growing emissions. The need for poverty reduction and economic development together forcing the region to continue to depend heavily on conventional fossil fuels, making way for surging emissions. Responding to climate change while meeting the energy needs require an efficient and inclusive energy strategy that could balance the economic development and environmental objective. This chapter aims to understand country’s existing policy landscape towards the Paris Agreement on CO2 mitigation. It also explored the opportunities to reshape the energy policy of developing Asia that promote or inhibit low carbon development . The chapter argues that Asian developing countries have already taken substantial initiatives, but these are fragmented and remain largely insufficient to achieve global targets on climate change. Therefore, additional efforts will be needed. Upscaling policy of regional power integration and adoption of low carbon technology will be key catalysts for substantial changes in energy mix that will favour climate change mitigation in the developing Asia.
- English
Chapter: 20