Results 1 - 10 of 11 (Sorted by date)
Research Report
While being broadly framed as 17 separate and diverse elements, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and associated targets inherently interlink with one another making up indivisible parts of sustainability from a systemic perspective. Actions or measures taken for achieving one goal may be mutually reinforcing or contradictory with achieving...
Data or Tool
The Climate Policy and Market Mechanism Status Report aims at providing updated information on the status of national climate policy and market mechanisms in the selected countries. A particular focus is set on mechanisms such as the CDM, national ETS and the JCM. Countries covered: Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Korea, Lao PDR, Mongolia...
Data or Tool
The fact sheets aim at providing updated information on the status of national climate policy and market mechanisms including the CDM, GHG emissions and NAMAs for Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Korea, Laos PDR, Mongolia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam. In Japanese. 各国の気候変動政策及び市場メカニズム(CDM、温室効果ガス排出量及び国内における適切な緩和行動(NAMAs)...
Forum on Urbban Resilience to Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction Management Strategies
Reduction Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCPs) in addition to conventional GHG is an emerging mitigation approach in waste sector. City of Battambang (Cambodia), with the support of IGES, has implemented Participatory Waste Management Initiative which comprised of a series of activities intended for improving city's waste management system...
Conference Proceeding
The 18th IWA International Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Eutrophication
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) offers a new framework for achieving sustainable development in a targeted way. Goal 6 encapsulates a comprehensive set of targets for achieving sustainable water resources management. The Lower Mekong Basin (LMB) countries has been recommended as a potential case for basin wide implementation of the Goal 6. A...
Commissioned Report
The adverse effects of climate change have disproportionately fallen on women. In consequence, the challenges women face adapting to climate change have tended to overshadow the contributions women make to mitigating climate change. To some degree, the emphasis on adaptation has also fed false narratives of women as passive victims of climate...
Training or Learning Material
This is the first video of two e-learning and training videos based on the content and activities of the "Harnessing Climate Change Mitigation Initiatives to Benefit Women" project funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). This 10-minute case study documentary demonstrates the urgent need to ensure women benefit from activities that mitigate...
1st Strategy Formulation Workshop for Developing Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan of Phnom Penh
In order to address waste management challenges of Phnom Penh City, development of waste management strategy is imperative to create among stakeholders common understandings on necessary policy interventions, draw demarcations of roles and responsibilities among them, and guide the actions. Waste management strategy as a package of policies...
Commissioned Report
REDD+の効果的な実施に向けた具体的な方策を示すため、REDD+の国際的な制度の動向等について多角的に調査・分析を行い、得られた結果について体系的に整理した。1-1ではUNFCCCを中心とした国際的な議論の動向について取りまとめた。1-2では、既存のクレジット制度である京都メカニズムの共同実施に注目した。1-3では、現在進んでいるREDD+に係る資金拠出に係る取組状況として、緑の気候基金、世界銀行の森林炭素パートナーシップ基金、The REDD+ Early Movers Programについて調査した。1-4では、REDD+に関する政策的な検討や各国の緩和対策の中での位置付けとREDD+活動の実施状況を、JCMパートナー国5カ国(インドネシア、ベトナム、カンボジア、ラオス、コスタリカ...
Commissioned Report
途上国の森林減少・劣化に由来する温室効果ガス排出の削減等(以下「REDD+」という。)は重要な気候変動対策であり、気候変動に関する国際連合枠組条約の第21回締約国会議(COP21)で合意された「パリ協定」にもその実施と支援を奨励することが明記されたところである。 REDD+の推進には、途上国に対する資金と技術の提供が必要とされているが、公的資金には限界があることから、今後、REDD+の取組みを拡大していくには、民間セクターからの資金や技術の提供が鍵となる。しかしながら、民間セクターがREDD+に対して投資するには、排出削減クレジットが獲得できる等のインセンティブが必要(①)とされる。また、途上国がREDD+を実施するには、COP決定を踏まえつつ、各々の国情に応じた排出削減量の算定...