Supporting Climate Resilience through Reduction of Short Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCP) and Organic Waste Management in Battambang Municipality

Event: Forum on Urbban Resilience to Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction Management Strategies
Date: 04-08 December 2017
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Reduction Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCPs) in addition to conventional GHG is an emerging mitigation approach in waste sector. City of Battambang (Cambodia), with the support of IGES, has implemented Participatory Waste Management Initiative which comprised of a series of activities intended for improving city's waste management system addressing both waste challenges and mitigation in the sector. Interventions included promotion of source segregation, utilization of organic waste, and introduction of measures against open burning and littering. The initiative provides a case where resource scarcity (financial resources, social capital) was effectively overcame through participatory planning, strong political commitment by top-management of both public and private sectors, facilitation by external entities, and design of capacity building program which contributed to trust building among the key stakeholders.
