Results 1 - 10 of 39 (Sorted by date)
Technical Report
本レポートは、世界平均気温の上昇を産業革命前と比べて1.5℃以内に抑えるという目標の達成に向けて、2050年までにカーボンニュートラルを実現するだけではなく、累積排出量をできる限り小さくする観点から、日本国内で早期に大幅な温室効果ガス(GHG)排出量削減を果たす可能性を検討し、その実現のためのアクションプランをまとめたものである。 2024年4月2日更新 謝辞の追記、出典の追記、誤記の修正を行いました。 企業の方向けに使いやすく再構成した「 1.5℃ロードマップ - 脱炭素でチャンスをつかむ。未来をつくる。 」もご活用ください。
Technical Report
This report examines the feasibility of Japan not only achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, but also making significant reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, so as to make its cumulative emissions as small as possible, thereby contributing to the global goal of limiting the average temperature increase to below 1.5°C compared to the pre...
Policy Report
This report includes an analysis of the level of awareness of the SDGs, as well as the progress made in addressing the five SDG Goals (thematic themes) that the UN Global Compact focuses on: Goals 5 (gender equality), 8 (work and human rights), 13 (climate change) and 16 (anti-corruption), and Goal 12 (sustainable consumption and production), which...
Policy Report
The ASEAN State of Climate Change Report (ASCCR) provides an overall outlook of the state of play of climate change issues in the ASEAN region. ASCCR is also a forward-looking report, which includes recommendations on making the transition toward 2030 and on to 2050 for both adaptation and mitigation, considering ASEAN’s development context and the...
Working Paper
This paper goes through the three historical experiences of carbon taxation in France and provides a detailed overview of the past attempts and current challenges to effectively put a price on carbon. By analysing the characteristics of each case, it explains the reasons for failure and success in adopting such tax and tries to help the reader...
Working Paper
This paper tries to capture the main characteristics of financial components of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs), in order to deepen understanding of developing countries’ financial needs. Such analysis will help developed countries and other countries consider provisions of financial support to developing countries. For this...
Peer-reviewed Article
In Energy Policy
China implemented a package of policies during the 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-2010) to improve industrial energy efficiency. This assessment provides a methodology that establishes a causal relationship between policy implementation and energy conservation effects. To enhance the confidence in the research findings, this assessment applies two...
Discussion Paper
Key messages: 1. Technological absorptive capacity (consisting of the factors of general governance and business climate, basic technological literacy, access to finance, and technologically proactive policies) is the key determinant of successful technology transfer. Access to finance is one necessary but insufficient condition for technology...