Wetland Cultural Heritage in the Pacific

IRES Vol.7 No.1所収
Volume (Issue): Vol. 7, No. 1, 2007

Local people contribute much to wetland conservation, and the Pacific island countries offer invaluable information demonstrating the cultural value of wetlands vis-à-vis sustainable livelihoods. Drawing primarily on examples from Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Fiji, but generalizing for many of the Pacific countries, this paper argues that traditional uses of and indigenous cultural expression in wetland areas, and the wise use of wetland resources, should be identified and incorporated in the conservation and management of these unique aquatic-terrestrial ecosystems. The paper concludes that governments need to recognize and support those cultural expressions of communities that are manifested in time-honored and tested uses of wetlands. With appropriate support and assistance, Pacific island countries could lead the rest of the world in developing new and innovative mechanisms for the sustainable use of wetlands as a source of livelihood.


International Review for Environmental Strategies: Best Practice on Environmental Policy in Asia and the Pacific

Tolentino Jr., Amado S.