COVID-19 recovery

3件中 1~3件 (日付順)
JSPS-ICSSR Seminar on Understanding and Addressing Systemic Risks Behind the Socio-economic Impacts of COVID-19 in Japan and India: Developing a Roadmap for a Resilient and Sustainable Future
The COVID-19 pandemic has reversed decades of progress in many developmental areas and aggravated the already-existing gaps in implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Measures by countries to recover from the crisis have been varied. These measures, if designed properly and implemented efficiently, can stimulate progress in many pandemic...
JSPS-ICSSR Seminar on Understanding and Addressing Systemic Risks Behind the Socio-economic Impacts of COVID-19 in Japan and India: Developing a Roadmap for a Resilient and Sustainable Future
Starting as a health emergency, the COVID-19 pandemic has evolved into a global crisis impacting health, the economy, society, the environment and institutions. The crisis reveals that building a resilient and sustainable society is important and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) is urgently needed. It is imperative to ensure that...
Annual Meeting of the Architectural Institute of Japan.
This paper explores the challenges and opportunities of VLRs for better recovery in the context of the disruption to urban planning and policymaking caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. It does so by focusing on 12 cities that conducted a VLR between 2019 and 2020 as case studies. These include: Barcelona, Bonn, Bristol, Buenos Aires, Espoo, Ghent, La...