Enhancing readiness for green growth: A preliminary assessment of Myanmar's policies and institutions

Enhancing readiness for green growth:  A preliminary assessment of Myanmar's policies and institutions

As Myanmar attracts investment and improves its economic prospects, green growth has moved steadily up the policy agenda. The heightened importance of green growth is visible in high-level political statements as well as policy and institutional reforms that could translate those words into action (i.e. Environmental Conservation Law 2012). Yet there still remains considerable uncertainty over whether Myanmar is indeed ready for green growth. This paper offers a preliminary assessment of those readiness conditions. The assessment is based upon reviews of the current status of the environment as well as the policy and institutional reforms needed to green the management of two critical resources: water and energy. Based on this review, this paper argues that Myanmar has considerable scope to 1) strengthen environment-related bodies, 2) mainstream green growth into Myanmar’s development planning, and 3) learn from and work with neighbouring countries to enhance its readiness for green growth.
