Scaling up Climate Action through Adaptation Effectiveness

Event: Scaling up Climate Action through Adaptation Effectiveness
Date: 9 December 2023
Adaptation effectiveness, COP28

Adaptation effectiveness cannot be achieved by focusing on one stage of the adaptation process, rather it needs an all-encompassing
approach. The current undue attention on a few stages of adaptation planning needs to be reconsidered. Adaptation effectiveness is vital to inform both national and local level adaptation actions as well as progress towards the Global Goal on Adaptation and the UNFCCC global stocktake (GST). M&E requires a definition of the baseline conditions and measurement of change against that baseline. Due to the dynamic nature of adaptation, regular reevaluation of adaptation policies and actions can help enhance effectiveness. Useful metrics include quantitative and qualitative measures (e.g., ambition, feasibility, equity/justice) for risk and vulnerability reduction.

Cynthia Rosenzweig, Manishka De Mel , Estefania Arteaga, Minpeng Chen, Paul Desanker, Denyse Dookie, Elisabeth Gilmore, Valerie Kapos, Alexandre Magnan, Kavya Michael, Henry Neufeldt, Anand Patwardhan, Liu Wei, Rosalind West, Carolina Zambrano-Barragán