Former Staff (from Jul 1998 - Mar 2004 )
13件中 1~10件目を表示中 (日付順)
Laos is a country in transition to a market economy, and specific features concerning the forestry sector there include (1) the development of mechanisms to implement a new legal system governing forestry, and (2) recent actions and trends in efforts to transfer the responsibility of forest management to the local people. The promotion of...
Devung, G. Simon
Collaborative research reports regarding local participation in forest management in Indonesia, especially useful reference to gain a deeper understanding of the current situation in West Kutai, Indonesia. This report is the result of collaborative research conducted in Indonesia from 2001 to 2003 by IGES, the Center for Social Forestry (CSF) of...
This report is a compilation of the policy trends in Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan, Cambodia, Thailand and Mongolia. It aims to disseminate information on aspects of our research activities to all interested parties, as well as to provide a basis for discussion on the further development of guidelines and recommendations to promote the participation of...
