Results 1 - 10 of 11 (Sorted by date)
Working Paper
In 2009, President Barack Obama and a majority Democratic 111th Congress came to office in a favorable position to enact federal climate legislation. But less than two years later prospects for passing that legislation dimmed considerably. Most explanations for this turn of events fault 1) institutional rules requiring bills receive a 60-vote supra...
The Contribution of Labor and Environment Practices to Chinese Competitiveness in World Market
This paper gives a summary of observations from various empirical studies of corporate environmental management (CEM) in China, which were conducted in the past three years under a project titled ‘Proactive Policies and Business Strategies for Strengthening Corporate Environmental Management in Developing Asia’. The surveys target the companies...
PR, Newsletter or Other
「アジアの環境重大ニュース」は、IGESが1998年の設立以来、その研究ネットワークを生かして毎年末に発表しているものである。2010年度版では、アジアにおける重要な環境トピックとして「地球温暖化」「生物多様性」「持続可能な消費と生産」の3つに焦点を当てて、アジア太平洋地域の国際機関・21カ国からニュースを収集した。 Remarks: English version is available at:
PR, Newsletter or Other
With the goal of reporting environmental issues and actions on the formation of sustainable societies in the Asia-Pacific region, since 1998 the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) has gathered and compiled news on environmental issues and policies and released them annually as the top environmental news in the Asia-Pacific. This...