Results 1 to 10 of 42 (Sorted by date)
This publication explains the works that have been conducted under the commission work of MOEJ called "International Support through AP-PLAT (AP-PLATを通じた国際支援業務)". The work consisted of mainly four projects: 1) AP-PLAT Partner collaboration, 2) Capacity development programme on monitoring and evaluation tool, 3) Development of E-learning materials...
The 15th International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific
Considering the current shortfalls in timely realization of the targets set as per the UN-2030 Agenda, there is a genuine need for new approaches to integrate diverse policies and actions, in order to realize a more liveable, just and ecologically sustainable future. Correspondingly, CES has recently emerged as an integrated approach for...
The ASEAN State of Climate Change Report (ASCCR) provides an overall outlook of the state of play of climate change issues in the ASEAN region. ASCCR is also a forward-looking report, which includes recommendations on making the transition toward 2030 and on to 2050 for both adaptation and mitigation, considering ASEAN’s development context and the...
In 環境情報科学 学術研究論文集
In Journal of Environmental Information Science
Criticisms raised against the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) have placed the development of alternative market mechanisms on the official agenda of international climate change negotiations for the past few years. The Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM), initiated by the Japanese government, intends to offer a simpler and more flexible crediting...
In Land
The National REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation-Plus) Strategy in Indonesia highlights the importance of local participation and the reform of land tenure in the success of forest conservation. National parks are a main target area for REDD+. National parks in Indonesia have been suffering from forest destruction...
In Asian Social Science
The issue of geographic equity has been one of the greatest concerns throughout the history of the CDM. To encourage wider implementation of the CDM or a reformed CDM and new market-based mechanisms in the future, it is necessary to identify the barriers that hinder implementation of CDM projects in underrepresented countries. This paper...
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