Results 1 - 10 of 16 (Sorted by date)
Peer-reviewed Article
In Resources, Conservation and Recycling
There is limited knowledge on the potential impacts of electric vehicle (EV) deployment in developing countries to date. India is a rapidly industrializing country with a national policy to promote EVs, but does not have the waste management infrastructure to process battery waste. Through a model analysis for India, we projected that the sale of...
Peer-reviewed Article
In Sustainability
The global demand for plastic is expected to double in the next 20 years. The increasing demand for Single-Use Plastic Products (SUPPs) has become one of the main environmental problems in many developing countries, including Sri Lanka, through direct and indirect means, in the way of excessive consumption and the pollution of the environment...
Working Paper
This case study reports on the development of a healthcare waste management (HCWM) system at Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital (TUTH) in Nepal where the intervention began in 2014 with support from HECAF 360 , a local NGO, and Health Care Without Harm (HCWH), an international NGO, and WHO Nepal. It describes the approach and path followed by...
Peer-reviewed Article
In APN Science Bulletin
CONSERVATION, RESTORATION AND management of forest resources are critical for addressing climate change. Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are a vehicle for targeted climate actions, including those related to forest management, by countries towards contributing global efforts agreed under the Paris Agreement. Operationalizing climate...
Peer-reviewed Article
In Forests
Indu K. Murthy
Manoj Kumar
Kritika Adesh Gadpayle
Traditional agroforestry systems across South Asia have historically supported millions of smallholding farmers. Since 2007 agroforestry has received attention in global climate discussions for its carbon sink potential. Agroforestry plays a defining role in offsetting greenhouse gases, providing sustainable livelihoods, localizing Sustainable...
Working Paper
While the initial pieces of evidence indicate that COVID-19 induced economic slowdown and lockdown present short-term benefits to air quality and the environment, these also pose a double-edged challenge in the long-term. On one side, the slowing down of the economy can have an adverse impact on countries’ ongoing efforts towards climate mitigation...
Peer-reviewed Article
In Journal of Resources, Energy, and Development (JREAD)
This paper details the efforts made by Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) and The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), under their Japan–India collaborative projects, to promote low carbon technologies (LCT) among small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in India. The empirical evidence gathered during the projects show that three...
Peer-reviewed Article
In Environmental Science & Policy
Forest conservation is a key component of multilateral environmental agreements related to biodiversity conservation (Convention on Biological Diversity; CBD)) and climate change (UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; UNFCCC), and ambitious national commitments are essential to the implementation of these agreements. To understand the...
Non Peer-reviewed Article
In 海外の森林と林業
最近、地球温暖化対策において森林を含めた土地 利用分野の重要性が強調されている。2015 年の国 連気候変動枠組条約の第21 回締約国会議(COP 21)で採択されたパリ協定では、気温上昇を工業化 以前と比較して2℃ないしは1.5℃上昇までに抑えることが長期目標として合意された。これを受け、 IPCC が2018 年に公表した「1.5℃特別報告書」1)で は、目標達成のためにはすべての部門で従来にない 大規模なGHG 排出削減が必要であるが、それだけ では不十分で、森林等の吸収源を同時に活用する必 要性が示された。それに続いて2019 年に公表され た「気候変動と土地に関する特別報告書」2)を森林分野について要約すれば、現在は大きな排出源となっている天然林の減少を抑制し、2050 年までに...
Commentary (Op. Ed)
This commentary summarises the key findings and implications of the study on Lifestyle Carbon Footprints: Long-term targets and case studies of the carbon footprints of household consumption. This study introduces and develops an approach to establishing lifestyle carbon footprints: greenhouse gases directly emitted during and indirectly induced by...