Results 71 - 80 of 206 (Sorted by date)
Under the Paris Agreement, countries around the world are heading off reductions in greenhouse gas emissions at an early stage, making full use of climate change measures to achieve the creation of a decarbonized society in the latter half of this century. Expectations of actions by non-state actors in particular, such as cities and companies which...
Technical Report
This report is related to the feasibility study on the potential application of Japanese low carbon technologies, namely compressed air system was conducted on November 8, 2017 at Endo Forging (THAILAND) CO., LTD. at Plaeng Yao in Thailand. It was a part of the activities conducted in India in FY2017 under the “Technology Assessment” project, which...
Technical Report
This report is related to the feasibility study on the potential application of Japanese low carbon technologies, namely once-through boiler was conducted on October 30, 2017 at Carabao Tawandang CO.,LTD. at Samutprakarn in Thailand. It was a part of the activities conducted in Thailand in FY2017 under the “Technology Assessment” project, which is...
Discussion Paper
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were designed to be “integrated and indivisible, balanc[ing] the three dimensions of sustainable development." The growing need for integration has given rise to a number of tools and research that can help capture synergies and avoid trade-offs across goals and targets. These include tools that employ...
Policy Report
This research report assesses water scarcity and its impacts on smallholder subsistence livelihoods in the context of climate change in Nepal, a mountainous country located entirely within the Ganges River Basin. It identifies and analyses existing coping responses and assesses options for introducing an adaptive response strategy to improve...
Data or Tool
当資料は、地球温暖化対策などに関心があり、基本的な情報を得たいという方々のために、関連するキーワードをできるだけ平易に解説することを目的に作成したものです。 特に再生可能エネルギー設備の導入、再生可能エネルギー電気の購入などの検討に不可欠な情報を取り上げております。 キーワードは1件毎に「概要」「解説」「情報入手先」を1ページにまとめております。まず「概要」をご覧いただき、ご関心があれば「解説」をご確認ください。さらに詳細の情報を得たい場合は「情報入手先」の各サイトで内容をご確認ください。 「概要」、「解説」とも、平易にするため詳細な内容を割愛しております。また各種制度は頻繁に変更されます。実際に導入・採用を具体的に検討される場合には、最新の情報を確認していただきますようお願い致します。...
Conference Paper
LoCARNet 11th Annual Meeting
The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report highlighted the critical connections between climate actions and sustainable development, including both synergies and trade-offs. Managing the trade-offs through policy design is strongly recommended and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are proposed as a basis for evaluating climate actions in the context...
Non Peer-reviewed Article
In 公営企業
 10年に一度という寒波が日本列島を襲った2023年1月下旬の、斜めに振っていた雪が昼に近づくにつれて真横に吹く日に、秋田県の2か所の「脱炭素先行地域」を現地訪問した。しかし、なぜ温暖化しているのに寒波が来るのか、という素朴な疑問が浮かぶだろう。  確かに世界の平均気温は18世紀半ばの産業革命が起こった時点から比べて約1.1℃上昇していて、過去に記録のない速さで温度が上昇しており、それと共に極端な気候(台風やハリケーン、熱波や猛暑、大雨や大雪、一方で日照りや寒波など)が起こることで人間の生活や自然生態系に影響が及び、それが年々目に見える形で悪い影響を及ぼしていることへの危機感が、そして今後さらに酷くなるという科学的な予測から、なんとか気温上昇を1.5℃に抑えるために...
Data or Tool
The IGES NDC Database compiles the main features of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), which were communicated by the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in order to present the targets and measures that will be taken in order to implement the Paris Agreement, according to countries’ national...