Results 41 - 50 of 65 (Sorted by date)
First Sub-Regional workshop on Preparation of status Report and Sub-regional Roadmap for Implementing the Global Waste Management Goals toward Addressing SDGs in South Asia
Home to roughly 1.8 billion people, South Asia generates approximately 334 million tonnes of waste per year of which 174 million tonnes (57%) is organic in content. In addition to the increase in municipal solid waste, managing complex and emerging waste streams, including e-waste, food waste, construction and demolition waste, disaster waste...
This presentation was delivered as a part of the training workshop on Saafraaj which was organized with aimed at developing capacity of Island Council members of Zone 6, Maldives, towards implementation of the regional waste management strategy.
Commissioned Report
途上国の森林減少・劣化に由来する温室効果ガス排出の削減等(以下「REDD+」という。)は重要な気候変動対策であり、気候変動に関する国際連合枠組条約の第21回締約国会議(COP21)で合意された「パリ協定」にもその実施と支援を奨励することが明記されたところである。 REDD+の推進には、途上国に対する資金と技術の提供が必要とされているが、公的資金には限界があることから、今後、REDD+の取組みを拡大していくには、民間セクターからの資金や技術の提供が鍵となる。しかしながら、民間セクターがREDD+に対して投資するには、排出削減クレジットが獲得できる等のインセンティブが必要(①)とされる。また、途上国がREDD+を実施するには、COP決定を踏まえつつ、各々の国情に応じた排出削減量の算定...
Training Program on Japanese low carbon technologies and best practices
The presentation was presented at a training program on Japanese low carbon technologies and best practices which was held on 20 January 2017, Pune, India. It highlighted the key findings from IGES-TERI efforts to promote the application of Japanese low carbon technologies in India. It emphasized mainly IGES-TERI's initiative to launch Japan-India...
Awareness Workshop: Dissemination of Japanese low carbon technologies in India
The presentation was presented at a dissemination workshop held on 16 November 2016, Mumbai, India. It introduced the key findings from IGES-TERI joint activities on promoting the application of Japanese low carbon technologies in India and their initiative of launching Japan-India Technology Matchmaking Platform (JITMAP).
Awareness Workshop: Dissemination of Japanese low carbon technologies in India
The presentation shared the key findings from IGES and TERI's joint activities regarding the promotion of the application of Japanese low carbon technologies in India. It emphasised on the initiation of Japan-India technology matchmaking platform which promotes mutually beneficial engagement of Japanese and Indian stakeholders in clean energy...
In-country dialogues and workshops on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)
On 12-13 May 2016, OECD co-organized International Workshop on Extended Producer Responsibility in India: Opportunities, Challenges and Lessons from International Experience. Yasuhiko Hotta, Area Leader of SCP, made a presentation in the session to discuss improving e-waste management through EPR system.
PR, Newsletter or Other
Strengthening Food Resource and Information Channels for Sustainable Production and Consumption of Food
One of the most significant lifestyle changes with severe environmental and health consequences being witnessed in the developing Asia is in the form of changes in food consumption behaviour of the people. Recognizing the importance of arresting the negative trends early in the stage, the project aims to address the changing food consumption...