Yoshiaki TOTOKI

Former Staff (from Nov 2008 - Jun 2017 )
Results 1 to 10 of 103 (Sorted by date)
Submission to Policy Process
Mao Kol Mardi
Navuth Sam
Kim Vathanak Thida
Keo Channarith
Nodira Akhmedkhodjaeva
Rithy Uch
Phlla Sam
Lara Grosso
Seng Bunrith
Just like in any city, the waste management has always been a major societal issue for Phnom Penh. The monthly amount of disposed waste at the landfill more than doubled in the past decade owing to factors such as population growth, economic growth, changes in industrial structure and of people’s lifestyle. While Phnom Penh Capital Administration...
Policy Report
UNEP published the Air Pollution in Asia and the Pacific: Science-based Solutions, the first-ever comprehensive scientific assessment of air pollution outlook in the region. It outlines 25 clean air measures that could achieve safe air quality levels for 1 billion people by 2030 - with numerous benefits for public health, economic development and...
Policy Report
UNEP published the Air Pollution in Asia and the Pacific: Science-based Solutions, the first-ever comprehensive scientific assessment of air pollution outlook in the region. It outlines 25 clean air measures that could achieve safe air quality levels for 1 billion people by 2030 - with numerous benefits for public health, economic development and...
Submission to Policy Process
Kol Mardi
Vathanak Thida
Just like in any city, the waste management has always been a major societal issue for Phnom Penh. The monthly amount of disposed waste at the landfill more than doubled in the past decade owing to factors such as population growth, economic growth, changes in industrial structure and of people’s lifestyle. While Phnom Penh Capital Administration...
Peer-reviewed Article
In Journal of Cleaner Production
Food waste remains a critical issue in Japan, especially in light of the country's low food self-sufficiency rate and shortage of available landfill sites for waste disposal. In order to evaluate options for further preventing and mitigating food waste in Japan, we analyzed food waste trends by estimating the disparity between calorie/protein...
Conference Paper
The 4th 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (3RINCs)
State of the 3Rs in Asia and the Pacific Project was formulated as a joint initiative of Ministry of the Environment of Japan (MOEJ), United Nations Centre for Regional Development as a secretariat of Regional 3R Forum in Asia and the Pacific, and Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) to respond the needs to assess the progress of 3R...
1st Strategy Formulation Workshop for Developing Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan of Phnom Penh
In order to address waste management challenges of Phnom Penh City, development of waste management strategy is imperative to create among stakeholders common understandings on necessary policy interventions, draw demarcations of roles and responsibilities among them, and guide the actions. Waste management strategy as a package of policies...
Commissioned Report
アジア太平洋3R白書は、廃棄物分野のデータ、情報、指標を整備すること で、同地域が国レベルでも、自治体レベルでも循環産業の発展を含め3Rの実 施と環境の配慮した廃棄物管理を実施できるよう支援するものであり、技術協 力や技術移転の具体的な内容を明確にできると期待されている。 本業務は、2017年度に開催予定の第8回アジア太平洋3R推進フォーラムに おいて、その成果を出版・公表することが予定されているところであるため、 UNCRDと連携して、アジア太平洋3R白書の作成に関し、本プロジェクトのリ ード国として我が国の経験・知見を積極的に発信するとともに、その取り纏め に貢献する。
Peer-reviewed Article
In Journal of Cleaner Production
Food waste remains a critical issue in Japan, especially in light of the country's low food self-sufficiency rate and shortage of available landfill sites for waste disposal. In order to evaluate options for further preventing and mitigating food waste in Japan, we analyzed food waste trends by estimating the disparity between calorie/protein...
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