Results 1 - 10 of 50 (Sorted by date)
Working Paper
White (Greenhouse Gas Management Institute)
In the context of the transparency framework under the Paris Agreement (PA), this paper presents the status and changes in the capacity of 37 developing countries in Asia to develop national GHG inventories by using a matrix of capacity-indicators. For the latest outcome of this research paper, please refer to: Umemiya, C., White, M., Amellina, A....
Peer-reviewed Article
In International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management
This paper aims to assess climate change-related non-economic loss and damage (NELD) through case studies of Bangladesh and Japan, evaluate how NELD are addressed in these countries and provide the ways forward for further improvement. Design/methodology/approach This paper reviewed the literature to examine NELD and looked into currently available...
Issue Brief
Katherine Rittenhouse
Peter Sopher
Daniel Francis
Stefano De Clara
Jeff Swartz
This case study covers the experimental Japanese voluntary ETS, the J-Credit System, the Tokyo Cap-and-Trade Program, the Joint Crediting Mechanism, Commentary on Market Functioning, and Policy Distinction. Remarks: This case study is co-authored by the IGES, the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA), and the Environmental Defense Fund...
Issue Brief
Assuming all thermal power plants currently planned for construction and replacement are put into operation, coal-fired and gas-fired power plants need to operate below 56% and 43%, respectively, of their capacity factor in order to achieve Japan’s electric power sector’s voluntary emissions intensity targets for 2030. However, the voluntary...
Issue Brief
The Paris Agreement calls for an acceleration of support to developing countries to develop their national adaptation plans (NAPs) and integrate climate change adaptation into development policies. Eleven out of 14 surveyed countries already have their own NAPs or equivalent, and NAP preparation is underway in the remaining three countries. However...
Book Chapter
In GEO-6: Regional assessment for Asia and the Pacific
As with past Global Environment Outlooks (GEOs), once the current state of the environment and policy response is assessed, it is important to look at possible policy pathways to a more sustainable future. With recent developments at the international level in late 2015, namely the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris...
Discussion Paper
This papers informs the current progress and lessons from the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) and how they will contribute to the efforts in climate mitigation, especially Post-2020 to achieve the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in the context of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. Upon the analysis of IGES researchers, this report offer...
Peer-reviewed Article
In Journal of Environmental Information Science
Criticisms raised against the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) have placed the development of alternative market mechanisms on the official agenda of international climate change negotiations for the past few years. The Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM), initiated by the Japanese government, intends to offer a simpler and more flexible crediting...
Discussion Paper
2016年2月、日本の温室効果ガス排出量の約4割を占める電力部門における排出削減の取り組みが明らかになりました。本ペーパーでは、これまでに至る経緯を概観した後、自主的枠組みと制度的仕組みを紹介し、電力部門の低炭素化に向けた中長期的な観点からの課題及び石炭火力・ガス火力発電新設に伴う様々なリスクについてまとめています。 Remarks: 7月15日改訂 ○石炭火力及びガス火力発電に対するポリシーミックスの在り方として、政府が講じる政策措置は電気事業低炭素社会協議会を中心とする自主的取り組みを促すものであることを明記致しました。 ○火力発電所の設備容量に関するデータの更新、発電所の年式別熱効率のデータを追加致しました。 ○2030年、2050年時点で想定されるCO2排出量及び各時点の原単位目標...