Xinling FENG

Former Staff (from Nov 2014 - Jun 2017 )
Results 1 to 10 of 15 (Sorted by date)
Policy Report
UNEP published the Air Pollution in Asia and the Pacific: Science-based Solutions, the first-ever comprehensive scientific assessment of air pollution outlook in the region. It outlines 25 clean air measures that could achieve safe air quality levels for 1 billion people by 2030 - with numerous benefits for public health, economic development and...
Policy Report
UNEP published the Air Pollution in Asia and the Pacific: Science-based Solutions, the first-ever comprehensive scientific assessment of air pollution outlook in the region. It outlines 25 clean air measures that could achieve safe air quality levels for 1 billion people by 2030 - with numerous benefits for public health, economic development and...
Commissioned Report
This report is about the project with a purpose to promote cooperation on Co-benefits-type air pollution measures mainly in Asia. IGES provided advice to MOEJ on the activities of international organisations; supporting international SLCP mitigation activities such as the Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short Lived Climate Pollutants...
Book Chapter
In Routledge Handbook of Energy in Asia
The Routledge Handbook of Energy in Asia presents a comprehensive review of the unprecedented growth of Asian energy over the past quarter of a century. It provides insightful analysis into variation across the continent, whilst highlighting areas of cross-learning and regional cooperation between the developed and developing countries of Asia...
Commissioned Report
The objective of this work was to develop a research plan and propose how the three countries could move forward on joint research related to two of the priority areas in the Joint Action Plan (Climate Change Response and Transition to a Green Economy), in consultation with the counterparts from Korea and China, based on results of the previous...
Commissioned Report
This report is about the project with a purpose to promote cooperation on Co-benefits-type air pollution measures mainly in Asia. IGES provided advice to MOEJ on the activities of international organisations; supporting international SLCP mitigation activities such as the Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short Lived Climate Pollutants...
Commissioned Report
本業務は、この新たに策定された行動計画のうち、「気候変動対応」と「グリーン経 済への移行」の2分野に関連する共同研究について、これまで三カ国で実施してきた共 同研究の内容及び成果を踏まえ、今後の研究方針計画を策定し、中国及び韓国の担当者 と協議を行い、三カ国間で今後の進め方を提案することを目的とする。このほか、我が 国がTEMM の枠組みをはじめとする数多くの環境協力を中国及び韓国と行っているこ とに鑑み、今後のTEMM に関する行動計画をはじめ、中国及び韓国との環境協力の効 率的な推進のため、中国及び韓国における環境行政の体制及び活動実態について分析し、 これをまとめた資料を作成することを目的とする。また、平成28 年4月、第18 回 TEMM(TEMM18)は、静岡市にて開催された...
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