Results 1 - 10 of 21 (Sorted by date)
Peer-reviewed Article
In Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
H. Chan
This paper examines the effects of financial incentives, particularly electricity prices, on residential solar photovoltaic system installations. We shed light on the importance of a factor that has been largely overlooked in the literature on the adoption behavior of low-carbon building technologies: the distinction between retrofit and new-build...
Peer-reviewed Article
In 環境経済政策研究
第五次環境基本計画は,環境・経済・社会問題が相互に連関しているという認識のもと,それを解決するために,持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)およびパリ協定の採択という時代の転換点を契機とする新たな文明社会へのパラダイムシフトを要請している.本稿は,このようなパラダイムシフトにつながる政策として,第五次環境基本計画の重点戦略を支える「地球温暖化対策計画」(2016年5 月13 日閣議決定)の長期目標である2050 年までに80%の温室効果ガス(GHG)の排出削減を達成することを目的とした本格的な炭素税導入を核としたグリーン税制改革を取り上げ,グリーン税制改革によって豊かな暮らしを維持すると同時に大幅なGHG 排出削減を達成することが可能であることを示した.
Peer-reviewed Article
In Sustainability
A key but contentious aspect of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is the means of implementation (MOI). Many developing countries emphasize the importance of international assistance while developed countries focus more on domestic financing and the private sector. The text of the SDGs includes a broad range of MOI. However, a discussion has...
Peer-reviewed Article
Focusing on the challenges of the transition to responsible, sustainable lifestyles, this book examines developments over the last decade in relation to: - the creation of awareness of consumer citizenship, civic involvement and environmental stewardship 
- research, projects and publications on education for responsible living 
- the creation and...
Peer-reviewed Article
In Korean Society
This research paper investigates the question of how governmental capacities can be better enacted to promote Sustainable Consumption under the Low Carbon Green Growth strategy in the Republic of Korea. It examines the strategies of the national government towards sustainability in 2010-2011 based on its Green Growth focus. The findings demonstrate...
Peer-reviewed Article
In International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability
Shimano Satoshi
The principal goal of sustainability is attaining a state where the planet’s resource extraction, use and the resultant pollution, particularly by humans residing or operating in it will be within its (the Earth’s) carrying capacity. Organizations, homes and communities are pivotal in the sustainability transition as they serve as “frameworks” for...
Peer-reviewed Article
In Sustainability
Shimano Satoshi
This article discusses a business-school collaborative learning partnership in the Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE) on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Greater Sendai. This partnership is further linked to a broader context of multi-stakeholder public participation in the RCE that was set up to advance the ESD agenda in the region...
Commissioned Report
平成 28 年 11 月にパリ協定が発効され、令和2年( 2020 年)を迎えた今年、いよいよパリ協定の実施段階に入った。パリ協定でも、中央政府に加えて自治体・都市を含む非政府主体による気候変動を加速させることが掲げられているが、具体的な地域の気候変動対策やプロジェクトを検討・実施するうえで、都市や自治体はキープレーヤーである。世界全体での脱炭素社会の実現に向けては、特に経済成長が著しいアジアにおいて、持続可能な脱炭素社会、またそれの通過点としての低炭素社会の構築への動きを加速させることが必要であり、社会経済の発展を支える活動の場である都市の脱炭素化・低炭素化に向けて、国際的にも都市の取組を支援する動きが強化されてきている。また、 post コロナを見据え、環境政策とのトレードオフの最小化...
Commissioned Report
This study focuses on carbon pricing as an economic measure for significant reduction of GHG emissions in 2050, and highlights the effectiveness and economic efficiency of carbon pricing through the form of carbon tax and emission trading scheme (ETS). Furthermore, this study proposes policy packages of green tax reform and demonstrates the...