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Peer-reviewed Article
In 環境経済・政策研究
Peer-reviewed Article
In Sustainability
This article focuses on understanding the factors a ecting the subconscious minds of urban citizens in terms of promoting clean energy and deregulation of the electricity sector. Does risk perception related to climate change and nuclear energy e ect their choices? Does it differ between cities? A comparative analysis was performed for four cities...
Non Peer-reviewed Article
In IATSS Review
The transport sector is one of the main sources of global GHG emissions, of which road transport emissions are greatest. The decarbonisation of road transport requires systemic changes combined with technological interventions to optimise the use of transport modes. Given the diverse options for road transport decarbonisation due to differences in...
Non Peer-reviewed Article
In 国際交通安全学会誌
Commissioned Report
This is the final report of the city-to-city collaboration between EU cities (including one from the UK) and Japanese cities under the International Urban and Regional Cooperation (IURC) Asia and Australasia. During 2021-2023, thirteen EU cities (including one UK city) from ten countries and ten Japanese cities participated in the project and...
PR, Newsletter or Other
「川崎 脱炭素戦略の行方(下)住民の意識改革カギ:太陽光義務化や地域電力 モデル地区選び推進」 川崎市が環境都市に生まれ変わるには京浜工業地帯の脱炭素化だけでなく、住民の意識改革が欠かせない。市は太陽光パネルの設置義務化やモデル地区をつくることで、住民の行動変容を促そうとしている。 来年度施行へ 川崎市は7月末、環境審議会の脱炭素部会を開き、市内で新築する住宅への太陽光発電設備の設置義務化に向けた素案を示した。設置義務化の方針を表明している東京都の制度案を参考に、規模が大きい建物だけでなく、... (日本経済新聞の記事のページ:
Fact Sheet
This catalogue has been produced for the workshops and home experiments organised by the 1.5ºC Lifestyle Project. A decarbonised lifestyle to reduce the carbon footprint (CFP), including CO₂ emissions plus CO₂ equivalent of the other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, per Japanese person from 7,600 kg per year (2015) to 2,500 kg per year (about 1/3)...
Fact Sheet
The global community agreed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Paris in 2015. For this agreement to be applied without delay, it is crucial for regions to conduct climate change mitigation measures that are effective for their local conditions. This brochure was developed as part of the "Project for sharing information between cities and regions...
Fact Sheet
2015年にパリで開かれた国際会議で、温室効果ガス削減に関する国際的取り決めが行われました。このパリ協定の着実な実施のためには、地域の特性に応じた効果的な地球温暖化対策を進めていくことが重要です。本事例集は各地域における脱炭素に向けた取組を共有することを目的にしており、環境省「平成30年度地域における情報シェアリングモデル構築委託業務」の 一環として作成したものです。