- English
Volume (Issue): 2 (4)

Limited efforts have been made in assessing the status of mainstreaming adaptation in agriculture and water sectors globally and in the Asia-Pacific region. This paper reviews various ongoing adaptation initiatives implemented at national level in agriculture and water sectors in some of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region and identifies issues and way forward. The review suggested that many governments have number of initiatives, either planned or currently implemented, to adapt to climate change in agriculture and water sectors; with a considerable progress in terms of number and nature of initiatives carried out. Most of these initiatives can be placed in categories of serendipitous adaptation and climate-proofing of development. However, most of the initiatives are in their infancy; doesn’t provide a clear indication of how much risk they intend to reduce in the course of their implementation, and it was difficult to assess how different they are when compared to ‘usual’ developmental projects. This paper identifies the need for choosing win-win adaptation options, options those can hold well under a broad range of climate change scenarios in the future, as a possible way forward in absence of dependable climate change projections and vulnerability assessments.
Access to online article: http://www.rpsonline.com.sg/journals/101-ajedm/2010/0204/S1793924011000…
- English
Volume (Issue): 2 (4)