Analytical tools to identify priority actions for climate-resilient communities: A case study

Event: World Bank Central Asia Climate Knowledge Forum, Almaty Kazakhstan
Analytical tools to identify priority actions for climate-resilient communities: A case study

The presentation introduces about the multi-criteria analysis using analytical hierarchy process for prioritizing adaptation actions at the local level in the Gangetic Basin. The key messages are: Considerable variation from community to community; In drought-prone areas, boring wells were generally preferred over surface water. Water-saving activities such as change in cropping pattern and organic farming were also preferred; In flood-prone areas, saving assets/lives through embankment, as well as access to alternative employment also preferred; and Limited but visible difference identified between male and female groups. In addition, AHP can reveal the decision-making process, identify priority actions, and also suggest adaptation indicators.
However, pairwise ranking process can be time consuming and difficult to be understood; AHP more understood in relatively well-educated community; and clear incentives (e.g. possibility of project funding) desirable to engage community members.

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