Mechanical-Biological Treatment

Webinar on the CCET guideline series on intermediate municipal solid waste treatment technologies

17 February 2021, 13:00 – 14:30 (JST)
Mechanical-Biological Treatment

On 17 February, IGES co-presented the third of three webinars dedicated to assisting policymakers and practitioners in developing countries with their selection of appropriate waste management technologies, and in carrying out related policies and strategies to improve management of waste. This webinar on Mechanical - Biological Treatment (MBT) also related to the 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management (3RINCs) which will be organised by the Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management (JSMCWM) online on March 11 and March 15-19. 

Globally, various approaches have been attempted to solve waste management issues, and proper treatment of the increasing amount of waste is an important challenge for all societies, particularly as developing countries’ economic growth accelerates. There is an urgent need to provide reliable information so that policymakers and practitioners have a clear and holistic view of all waste management technologies. In this context, the IGES Centre Collaborating with UNEP on Environmental Technologies (CCET) and the United Nations Environment Programme International Environmental Technology Centre (UNEP IETC) started to develop a series of guidelines, in collaboration with the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) and JSMCWM. The aim of the webinar series is to assist developing countries’ policy-makers and practitioners, at both the national and municipal levels, with their selection of appropriate waste management technologies, and in carrying out related policies and strategies to improve their management of waste. 

At this initial phase, three main topics are covered: 1) Waste to Energy (WtE), 2) Composting, and 3) Mechanical - Biological Treatment (MBT). Following the webinar on WtE and Composting last year, this third in the webinar series focused on MBT, and aimed to give attendees a deeper understanding of the guidelines through a discussion of existing technologies, their advantages and disadvantages, and related challenges people may face on the ground. 






Mr. Kazunobu Onogawa, Director, CCET  
Moderator: Mr. Chart Chiemchaisri, Professor, Kasetsart University, Thailand, The Japan Society of Material Cycle and Waste Management
13:10-13:30 Presentation

The lead author of the guidelines MBT for improving municipal solid waste management in developing countries
Mr. Tomonori ISHIGAKI, Senior Researcher, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) , Japan


Short presentations from key persons



Presentation 1
Waste stabilization in different MBT systems: Case studies in Thailand

Mr. Chart Chiemchaisri, Professor, Kasetsart University, Thailand, The Japan Society of Material Cycle and Waste Management

Presentation 2
Opportunities and challenges for MBT technologies and policy decisions on the ground, the case of India

Mr. N B Mazumdar, Honorary chairman, International Academy of Environmental Sanitation and Public Health, India

Presentation 3
Technology adaptation for environmentally sound management of waste in developing countries

Mr. Shunichi Honda, Programme Officer, UNEP IETC

Panel discussion



Recorded Video

Webinar on the CCET guideline series on intermediate municipal solid waste treatment technologies, 17 February 2021

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