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Policy Report
本書は 北九州市の海外水ビジネスの展開状況をまとめたものである。 第 1 章で海外水ビジネス市場の動向と北九州市の国際協力の歩みについて触れ、第 2 章で 100 年以上の歴史を有する北九州市の上下水道がどのように整備されてきたかを振り返り、第 3 章では北九州市のカンボジアとベトナムでの海外展開の事例を詳述し、第 4 章では海外展開を進める市内企業 4 社に焦点を当ててその展開のアプローチを紹介し、最後の第 5 章において北九州市から海外に拡がる水ビジネスの今後について考察する構成となっている。 なお、本書は、北九州市産業技術保存継承センター(北九州イノベーションギャラリー)の調査研究事業の一環で作成されたものである。
Peer-reviewed Article
In Journal of Cleaner Production
Capacity building support by means of international development projects for developing countries to prepare national reporting under the Paris Agreement has taken on increasing importance. Given that support for capacity building has been provided for more than two decades, the aim of our research is to assess past trends in capacity building...
Peer-reviewed Article
In Environmental Science & Policy
Forest conservation is a key component of multilateral environmental agreements related to biodiversity conservation (Convention on Biological Diversity; CBD)) and climate change (UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; UNFCCC), and ambitious national commitments are essential to the implementation of these agreements. To understand the...
Data or Tool
The "JCM in CHARTS" series aim to provide a comprehensive and easy-to-understand description of the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) in each host country. This version describes the rules, procedures, and references for implementing the JCM in Cambodia.
Training or Learning Material
As with many other cities in Cambodia, Battambang Municipality faces huge challenges in managing its waste. With no consistent annual budget allocated to waste management services, the city relied on the private sector for municipal waste collection and disposal services based on user fees collected from residents. However, with low service quality...
Forum on Urbban Resilience to Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction Management Strategies
Reduction Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCPs) in addition to conventional GHG is an emerging mitigation approach in waste sector. City of Battambang (Cambodia), with the support of IGES, has implemented Participatory Waste Management Initiative which comprised of a series of activities intended for improving city's waste management system...
Training or Learning Material
This is the first video of two e-learning and training videos based on the content and activities of the "Harnessing Climate Change Mitigation Initiatives to Benefit Women" project funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). This 10-minute case study documentary demonstrates the urgent need to ensure women benefit from activities that mitigate...
Commissioned Report
REDD+の効果的な実施に向けた具体的な方策を示すため、REDD+の国際的な制度の動向等について多角的に調査・分析を行い、得られた結果について体系的に整理した。1-1ではUNFCCCを中心とした国際的な議論の動向について取りまとめた。1-2では、既存のクレジット制度である京都メカニズムの共同実施に注目した。1-3では、現在進んでいるREDD+に係る資金拠出に係る取組状況として、緑の気候基金、世界銀行の森林炭素パートナーシップ基金、The REDD+ Early Movers Programについて調査した。1-4では、REDD+に関する政策的な検討や各国の緩和対策の中での位置付けとREDD+活動の実施状況を、JCMパートナー国5カ国(インドネシア、ベトナム、カンボジア、ラオス、コスタリカ...