Results 1 - 10 of 161 (Sorted by date)
Policy Report
Open waste burning is a widespread practice that is provoked by a lack of systematic waste collection, the unavailability of other disposal options, and inadequate land for the final disposal of the collected waste, especially in low- and middle-income countries. From a global perspective, two billion people have no waste collection at all, and the...
Book Chapter
In Health Care Waste Management and COVID 19 Pandemic: Policy, Implementation Status and Vaccine Management
The sound management of healthcare waste (HCW) has been receiving increasing global attention, now even more so given the urgency of the COVID-19 pandemic. Uncontrolled fluctuations in generation quantities, the composition of HCW as well as the significant impacts it poses on public health and the environment require a more dynamic and cohesive...
Book Chapter
In Teak in the Mekong for a sustainable future
Since the late 2000s, the global timber trade has undergone emerging legality requirements on imported timber products in major consumer countries. As a key country in supplying tropical hardwood, Myanmar's potential to participate in expanding regulated markets rests on its capacity to hold accountability for the legal origin of timber products...
Book Chapter
 世界経済の成長センターとなってきた東アジアが様々なリスクにさらされています。緊張が高まる台湾海峡や朝鮮半島といった伝統的な安全保障リスクだけではありません。中国の台頭などによるパワーシフトと戦後の国際秩序の揺らぎが地政学的リスクを増大させ、「新冷戦」とも称される米中の大国間競争の影響が地域の経済や産業、科学技術、文化、教育など多方面に及び始めています。米ソの冷戦の最前線が欧州だったのに対し、「新冷戦」の最前線は東アジアだとの見方があります。  この地域の著しい技術革新や産業経済の発展自体も新たなリスクをもたらしています。人工知能(AI)などのデジタル技術の発展はさらなる経済成長のエンジンとなる一方、人々の想像を超えて、経済社会の在り方そのものを変える可能性があります...
Policy Report
ESCAP/North- East Asian Sub-regional Programme for Environmental Cooperation
This report analyses and compares the low carbon city policies and practices of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, with the goal of identifying sector-specific and city-specific good practices that may be instructive to researchers and policymakers in the wider NEA region. It examines key national-level carbon mitigation policies and sector...
Book Chapter
In Scenarios of Environmental Resilience and Transformation in Times of Climate Change: Effects and Lessons from the COVID-19
Five years after the SDGs were adopted and just when the United Nations called for realising the Decade of Action, the COVID-19 pandemic halted the progress of the SDGs and even reversed some of the achievements that the world made over years. With most countries struggling to overcome the pandemic and revive the economy, losing the focus on the...
Technical Report
This technical report showcases the case study that was conducted as part of the ASEAN Project on Disaster Risk Reduction by Integrating Climate Change Projection into Landslide Risk Assessment (ASEAN DRR-CCA). Its main purpose is to showcase the application of the methodologies described in the guidelines developed as part of this project. The...
Book Chapter
In Media and Disaster Risk Reduction Advances, Challenges and Potentials
The Himalaya and Hindu Kush Region (HKH) is one of the world's most fragile ecosystems in terms of climate change and its impacts, such as, slow- and fast-onset disasters. Traditionally, nature and human beings have co-existed in this area with indigenous and local knowledge (ILK) systems and practices being used in different ways, such as for...
Policy Report
Understanding Myanmar’s solid waste systems presents a challenge for anyone working in the sector. While waste collection and disposal challenges faced by Myanmar’s cities and towns share similarities, strategies to overcome them evolve locally and are often not well-communicated between different local government bodies. Data on the country’s...
Data or Tool
IGES Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Database provides detailed information on the JCM methodologies, projects, and JCM feasibility studies to be utilized for research and development of JCM project. The JCM is being implemented under bilateral cooperation between Japan and 29 partner countries: Mongolia, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kenya, Maldives, Viet...