Results 1 to 8 of 8 (Sorted by date)
IGES Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Database provides detailed information on the JCM methodologies, projects, and JCM feasibility studies to be utilized for research and development of JCM project. The JCM is being implemented under bilateral cooperation between Japan and 29 partner countries: Mongolia, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kenya, Maldives, Viet...
IGES's CDM Programme of Activities (PoA) Database aims at providing comprehensive and organised information on PoAs in an easy-to-understand way. It also compiles information on Component Project Activities (CPAs). The database allows users to search for specific data on each project in the pipeline more easily and enables them to use relevant...
IGES CDM Project Database aims at providing information to be utilized for research and analysis on the process of CDM project development, credit issuance, and the status of its procedures. The information of relevant items are extracted from the publicly available sources on the UNFCCC web-site. The UNFCCC Secretariat and IGES have signed a...
IGES CDM Monitoring and Issuance Database aims at providing comprehensive, organised information on the CDM projects registered by UNFCCC EB. The listed information helps users to organise the results of the CER issuance procedures for project activities after monitoring. All the information is extracted from publicly available sources on the...
The List of Grid Emission Factors aims to provide information to be utilized for research and analysis regarding emissions from electricity generation. A "grid emission factor" refers to a CO2 emission factor (tCO2/MWh) which will be associated with each unit of electricity provided by an electricity system. It is a parameter to determine the...
国連環境計画(UNEP)が発表した「Emissions Gap Report 2023: Broken Record –Temperatures hit new highs, yet world fails to cut emissions (again) - Executive Summary」の日本語翻訳版(暫定非公式訳)。誓約された温室効果ガス排出削減量とパリ協定の長期気温目標に整合するために必要な削減量との間のギャップ、およびこのギャップを埋める機会について独立した科学に基づく評価を提供している。国連気候変動枠組条約第28回締約国会議(COP28)に先駆けて発行された本版では、グローバル・ストックテイクの最終的な議論に最適な知見を提供するとともに...
Presented at the JCM Global Partnership meeting from Feb 27-29 2024, this presentation shares the findings from a conducted questionnaire aimed at assessing the readiness of JCM partner countries for Article 6 reporting, particularly on submission of initial reports in 2024. key insights drawn from the analysis include: Initial Report Submission in...
IGES's GHG emissions database aims to compile the latest information on GHG and CO2 emissions, as reported annually by UNFCCC Annex I countries. The data covers the period from from 1990 up to two years before the submission date of the reports. This database also provides information on target compliance, in order to compare historical emission...
Results 1 to 1 of 1 (Sorted by date)
Updated: December 2024
IGES Activity on COP29
From 11 to 22 November, the 29th Conference of the Parties (COP29) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan. As the highest decision-making body of the UNFCCC, COP oversees the...