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Briefing Note
英国グラスゴーで開催された国連気候変動枠組条約(UNFCCC)第26回締約国会議(COP26)において、民間金融に関しても大きな話題となった。本ブリーフノートでは、COP26 期間中に発表されたサステナブルファイナンスを巡る動きや発表の概要を整理し、それらがどのような文脈のもとで出てきたものなのかを解説するとともに、日本がどのように関わっているかについて触れる。
Briefing Note
This Briefing Note explores the implications for climate change, green finance, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the G20 Summit which was held in Hamburg, Germany, on 7-8 July 2017. On climate, the final encouraging result was a consensus among all countries except for the US to maintain strong support for implementation of the Paris...
Briefing Note
The first G20 Summit meeting in China was held in Hangzhou on 4 and 5 September, 2016. This IGES Briefing Note considers the implications of the meeting for climate change, green finance and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as the overall context of holding the meeting in China for the first time. From a sustainability perspective, the...