Results 1 - 10 of 57 (Sorted by date)
Peer-reviewed Article
In 環境経済・政策研究
本稿は,ガーナ,インドネシア,ベトナムの3 カ国でプラスチック汚染対策のためのステークホ ルダー協働の制度化に,「中心的なアクター」と しての役割を果たしたと考えられるナショナル・ プラスチック・アクション・パートナーシップ (NPAP)について,著者らが実施した調査・分析 に基づいている(Asokan et al., 2023).NPAPは, 世界経済フォーラムのイニシアティブであるグ ローバル・プラスチック・アクション・パート ナーシップ(GPAP)の一環として各国単位で形成 されたイニシアティブである.本研究の目的は, このNPAPの事例を通じて,プラスチック汚染対 策のステークホルダー協働の仕組みについて分析 し,現在合意に向けた交渉が行われているプラス...
Book Chapter
In Vulnerability and Transformation of Indonesian Peatlands
Peat swamp forests are one of the unique ecosystems of Southeast Asia. These forests are not only a large carbon stock, but also a refuge for rich biodiversity. To understand the faunal composition and the effect of land-use changes in peat swamp forests, we investigated ground-dwelling mammals and birds using camera traps in a natural peat swamp...
Book Chapter
In Vulnerability and Transformation of Indonesian Peatlands
Tropical peatlands have increasingly been targeted for logging or conversion to plantations in recent years. Tropical peatlands are unique ecosystems rich in biodiversity, but they have not attracted as much researcher attention as tropical forests, for example. There is still limited understanding of the ecological significance of peatland...
Book Chapter
In Ketahanan Iklim Perkotaan (English: Urban Climate Resilience)
In Bahasa: Membangun Kota-kota rendah karbon di Indonesia memerlukan tiga faktor utama yang berkontribusi: membangun kapasitas, melibatkan pemangku kepentingan, dan memobilisasi sumber daya. Faktor-faktor tersebut tidak terpisah atau berbeda-beda namun saling tumpang tindih dan saling memperkuat satu sama lain. Sebagai ilustrasi, peningkatan...
Peer-reviewed Article
In 林業経済研究
Peer-reviewed Article
In Case Studies on Transport Policy
A large proportion of Asia’s urban population is served by informal modes of transport known as paratransit. Many of the vehicles in this informal sector contribute to rising air pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Energy-efficient technologies could make paratransit environmentally sustainable. However, the purchase and use of clean...