Results 1 - 10 of 24 (Sorted by date)
Conference Paper
5th International Symposium on Environmental Sociology in East Asia (ISESEA-5 )
In this study, we analyze low emissions pathways at the national and subnational level in China through 2050. The study begins with national level trajectories based on China’s future energy use as well as experiences of other rapidly industrializing countries such as Japan. The emphasis in mapping the national trajectories is placed on what levels...
Conference Paper
SEEPS Conference 2015
A growing body of science maintains that anthropogenic climate change poses a grave threat to the well-being of earth and its inhabitants. Academics, environmentalists, and policymakers similarly concur that there is no single silver bullet solution to climate change; rather what is needed are well-integrated and long-term strategy. Yet adopting...
Conference Paper
要旨 1.はじめに 2001年の国連気候変動枠組条約(UNFCCC)第7回締約国会議(COP7)にて、途上国において技術ニーズ評価(TNA)を行うことが決定した。2009年から開始した「第一期グローバルTNA」では、地球環境ファシリティ(GEF)の資金提供により国連環境計画(UNEP)が主導し、2013年までに36カ国におけるTNAが実施された。2012年COP18では、途上国の技術ニーズに応えるため、気候技術センター・ネットワーク(CTCN)と呼ばれる仕組みが設立された。CTCNはUNFCCCの下で気候変動対策に資する技術移転を促進するための国際メカニズムであり、国連環境計画(UNEP)を中心に13の機関によって運営されている。一方...
Conference Paper
23rd International Input-Output Conference, 22-26 June 2015, Mexico City
The Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development has identified green economy as one of the important tools for achieving sustainable development, which can provide a significant opportunity to the shift to a new global economic paradigm. Mobilising investments at the economy-wide level towards green sectors and to the greening of...
Conference Paper
Third Annual of Green Growth Knowledge Platform Conference
In 2009, Indonesia has committed itself to reduce GHGs emission by 41% by 2020 with international assistances. Over all sectors, about 80% of total GHG emissions in Indonesia come from land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF). In line with this, Indonesia also started implementing "a green economy" in several major sectors such as forestry...