Results 1 - 10 of 82 (Sorted by date)
Peer-reviewed Article
In Sustainability Science
This is the Editorial of the first IGES-initiated Special Feature of the Sustainability Science journal. This Special Feature on Just and Sustainable Transitions in Net-Zero Asia aims to highlight how researchers, policymakers, and practitioners across Asia are applying just transition thinking to address pressing environmental challenges, climate...
Discussion Paper
 北九州市は、市内の温室効果ガス(GHG)排出削減目標を掲げるだけでなく、アジア地域への貢献目標も掲げている。それは、アジア地域で、2050年までに、2013年度の市内のGHG排出量の150%以上に相当する排出量の削減を目指す(以下、「150%削減目標」という。)というものである。環境国際協力に長年取り組んできた「世界の環境首都」として、気候変動対策のようなグローバルイシューにも市内外で積極的に貢献していく姿勢を見せている。  本稿は、北九州市の「150%削減目標」の意義や、その目標達成に向けたアプローチを確認した上で、政策効果の「見える化」の方法論について検討を行った。「150%削減目標」が数値目標であることを踏まえ、北九州市の取り組みのうちGHG排出削減量を把握できそうなものを特定し...
Peer-reviewed Article
In Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
H. Chan
This paper examines the effects of financial incentives, particularly electricity prices, on residential solar photovoltaic system installations. We shed light on the importance of a factor that has been largely overlooked in the literature on the adoption behavior of low-carbon building technologies: the distinction between retrofit and new-build...
Policy Brief
ASEAN Centre for Energy Policy Brief
1. The ASEAN State of Climate Change Report (ASCCR) presented ASEAN’s mitigation goal: i) Achieve net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as early as possible in the latter half of the 21st century; and ii) Cap peak GHG emissions as soon as possible after 2030 to ensure the net-zero GHG emission goal is met on schedule. 2. However, the updated...
Book Chapter
In モルディブを知るための35章
As in many developing countries, waste management is one of the greatest challenges faced by the Maldives. The limited or unavailbility of waste collection services, proper treatment, and disposal systems on the islands often results in dumping household waste on the beach, ocean, and forests and also open burning of waste. These activities are...
Working Paper
This case study reports on the development of a healthcare waste management (HCWM) system at Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital (TUTH) in Nepal where the intervention began in 2014 with support from HECAF 360 , a local NGO, and Health Care Without Harm (HCWH), an international NGO, and WHO Nepal. It describes the approach and path followed by...
Peer-reviewed Article
In Waste Management & Research
Source separation plays a pivotal role in sustainable and integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) and in achieving a circular economy in Asia. However, it is still not an official practice, and many cities continue to utilise open dumping, involving receiving mixed waste without pre-treatment. This paper, therefore, examines the...
Book Chapter
In Ketahanan Iklim Perkotaan (English: Urban Climate Resilience)
In Bahasa: Membangun Kota-kota rendah karbon di Indonesia memerlukan tiga faktor utama yang berkontribusi: membangun kapasitas, melibatkan pemangku kepentingan, dan memobilisasi sumber daya. Faktor-faktor tersebut tidak terpisah atau berbeda-beda namun saling tumpang tindih dan saling memperkuat satu sama lain. Sebagai ilustrasi, peningkatan...
Book Chapter
In Ketahanan Iklim Perkotaan (English: Urban Climate Resilience)
In Bahasa: Pengembangan skenario pembangunan rendah karbon dapat digunakan untuk membantu perencanaan jangka menengah dan jangka panjang sehingga membantu para pengambil kebijakan kota-kota besar agar dapat mengadopsi lebih awal mengenai cetak biru perencanaan. Proses perencanaan skenario pengurangan emisi di masa yang akan datang untuk skala kota...
Policy Brief
Effective solid waste management is critical for achieving sustainable development in municipalities. In the last half century, urban cities around the world have grown significantly, and experts forecast that this trend will continue into the future. Increased populations coupled with rapid urban buildup put enormous stress on municipalities...