ASEAN’s Transition Pathway to Realise a Resilient and Net-zero Community: Core Findings from the ASEAN State of Climate Change Report

ASEAN Centre for Energy Policy Brief
No. 02 / January 2022
Policy Brief
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1. The ASEAN State of Climate Change Report (ASCCR) presented ASEAN’s mitigation goal: i) Achieve net-zero greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions as early as possible in the latter half of the 21st century; and ii) Cap peak GHG emissions as soon
as possible after 2030 to ensure the net-zero GHG emission goal is met on schedule.
2. However, the updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) targets and the most aspirational scenario shown in
the 6th ASEAN Energy Outlook are inconsistent with the above-mentioned goal, implying the need for a transformation
of energy and land-use systems to achieve increased climate ambition and meet the goals of the Paris Agreement (PA).
3. Recognising these gaps, the ASCCR also prioritised specific adaptation and mitigation-related actions, numbering 29
and 30 respectively, by 2030 and up to 2050, and which serve as the basis for ASEAN’s transition pathway to reach its
climate goal. ASEAN’s broader climate goal is comprised of more specific goals for development, adaptation, mitigation,
and synergies between adaptation and mitigation. Together, they constitute ASEAN’s climate vision toward 2050, and
provide a pathway for its achievement by ASEAN Member States (AMS).
4. Key actions to transform energy and land-use systems in line with the ASEAN climate vision 2050 include:
• Raising ambition further after duly achieving the near-term milestone of the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy
Cooperation (APAEC) 2016-2025 renewable energy (RE) target
• Formulating a transition strategy toward achieving sustainable and net-zero systems of energy and land-use
• Promoting multiple co-benefits through a clean energy transition
• Tracking and fixing the inverse relationship between energy and emission intensity reductions
• Maximising the synergies between mitigation and adaptation actions that involve land-use change
