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Working Paper
Enhanced collaboration with countries with advanced technologies is essential to closing greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation gaps in developing countries’ energy consuming and producing sectors. However, traditional models of technology transfer tend to focus on the sale of expensive technologies to developing countries, often subsidised through aid or...
Working Paper
With only ten years left to achieve the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by all UN member States in its 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, action is more urgent than ever. Cities, which are responsible for delivering many of the targets highlighted by the SDGs are accelerating their efforts. This is recognised by the...
Technical Report
本報告書は、ライフスタイル・カーボンフットプリント(※)を軸に私たちの日常生活での消費や行動が気候変動に与える影響を推定し、パリ協定の目標達成と豊かな暮らしの両立を探るものです。 ※家計が消費する製品やサービスのライフサイクル(資源の採取、素材の加工、製品の製造、流通、使用から廃棄)において生じるGHGの排出量 IGESは、2019年2月にフィンランド・アールト大学およびD-matと共同で『 1.5-Degree Lifestyles – Targets and Options for Reducing Lifestyle Carbon Footprints 』を発刊し、日本、フィンランド、中国、ブラジル、インドの平均的な暮らしでの温室効果ガス(GHG)排出量や特徴...