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Discussion Paper
Issue Brief
Key Messages • With more than half the world’s population, cities will play a pivotal role in determining whether the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) realize their transformational potential. A lack of data from cities may nonetheless weaken the policies and monitoring systems needed to realize that promise. • This issue brief examines whether...
Peer-reviewed Article
In Sustainability
This paper focuses on understanding the difference between East and West Japan with respect to citizens’ subjective views on renewable energy. A comparative analysis was performed for cities in the east and west because renewable energy is a natural resource unique to each location and suitable for a distributed energy network operated under the...
Submission to Policy Process
This submission highlights the key findings of the discussion at the Japan-India Climate Policy Research Workshop, held in July 2018 in India. The key messages include: 1.Enhancing multiple co-benefits aids further acceleration of the efforts in reducing the GHGs and other climate relevant emissions to achieve the long-term goal of the Paris...
PR, Newsletter or Other
ペトロテック(Petroleum Technologyー石油学会情報誌)2018年1月号 座談会「動き出した"持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)"への取り組み」 持続可能とは環境保護なのか、いやいや、環境だけでなく、貧困対策やインフラ整備などなど、17のゴール、169のターゲットを盛り込んだもので、社会の発展と企業の成長との同時実現という大きなビジネスチャンスの創出が期待されるSDGsについて議論した。 ・上野 明子((一社)​​​グローバル・コンパクト・ネットワーク・ジャパン次長) ・桂 美穂(JXTGエネルギー(株)総務部 CSR推進グループ マネージャー) ・福田 加奈子(住友化学(株)CSR推進部長) ・沖 大幹(国際連合大学 上級副学長/東京大学 総長特別参与・生産技術研究所 教授)...