Results 1 - 10 of 236 (Sorted by date)
Discussion Paper
India’s national government has offered strong support for the development of green hydrogen as part of the clean energy transition. However, much of the actual progress in this transition will depend on subnational governments. This paper argues India’s subnational governments have significant potential to capitalise on diverse natural resource...
Peer-reviewed Article
In Sustainability Science
Different baseline endowments and circumstances among countries, including local events, have resulted in disparities in energy policy and status. Differences in energy status have caused countries to make various decisions, but with the implementation of grid interconnections, some countries elected to plan the development of their energy sector...
Technical Report
本レポートは、世界平均気温の上昇を産業革命前と比べて1.5℃以内に抑えるという目標の達成に向けて、2050年までにカーボンニュートラルを実現するだけではなく、累積排出量をできる限り小さくする観点から、日本国内で早期に大幅な温室効果ガス(GHG)排出量削減を果たす可能性を検討し、その実現のためのアクションプランをまとめたものである。 2024年4月2日更新 謝辞の追記、出典の追記、誤記の修正を行いました。 企業の方向けに使いやすく再構成した「 1.5℃ロードマップ - 脱炭素でチャンスをつかむ。未来をつくる。 」もご活用ください。
Technical Report
This report examines the feasibility of Japan not only achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, but also making significant reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, so as to make its cumulative emissions as small as possible, thereby contributing to the global goal of limiting the average temperature increase to below 1.5°C compared to the pre...
Working Paper
Focusing on four major ASEAN member states, including Indonesia, Viet Nam, Thailand and the Philippines, this paper reviews the current status, and identifies the gaps and prospects for achieving a high penetration of renewables for energy transition in ASEAN. These four countries have been leading renewable policies in this region and have...
Book Chapter
In Hydrogen in Decarbonization Strategies in Asia and the Pacific
This chapter explores the interest in hydrogen adoption across Asian countries for achieving net-zero goals, with a particular focus on Japan's prominent role. While Japan has taken strides in hydrogen initiatives, the extent to which its strategy aligns with ambitious climate targets remains uncertain. The chapter emphasises the importance of...
Technical Report
兵庫県では2020年度から「ひょうご高校生 環境・未来リーダー育成プロジェクト」を開催しており、 青森県でも昨年度から「青森県から日本・世界の環境・ エネルギー問題を考える地元高校生向けワークショップ」 が始まった。これらは2050年の脱炭素社会の実現に向け、 その担い手となる若手人材の育成を目的とした5~ 6日間の研修プログラムであり、その企画・ 運営にIGES関西研究センターが携わっている。 これまでに兵庫県では延べ25校から104名が、 青森県では6校から32名が参加した。昨今、 気候変動問題をはじめとした地球環境問題に関する教育の充実の必 要性が叫ばれてきており、 そのような市民向けプログラムが各地で開催されるようになってき ているが、高校生を対象とし、...
Working Paper
Working Paper
ADBI Working Paper Series
Japan has adopted several policies that signal its intent to rely on hydrogen to achieve net-zero climate goals. However, many of those same policies are unclear about its support for a transition to green hydrogen. Relying on gray and blue hydrogen without a transition to green hydrogen will harm the climate. It will also result in several other...